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The Age-Reversing Foods on Your Plate

Gorge on these nutritional and healthy foods to slow down the ageing process from within

The average lifespan is increasing which has made people conscious about carrying a youthful vitality in their appearance. Ageing has remained one pestering issue for consumers over the years and the focus has been shifted to diet. As part of this process has emerged the concept of “longevity diets’ which seeks to reduce biological age—a part of new wave ageing that has turned topsy-turvy food habits. 

Blueberries, The Anti-Ageing Superfruits 

Rich in antioxidants, blueberries reduce oxidative stress which causes premature ageing and its woeful signs on skin. The fruits, with plenty of Vitamin C, could be consumed as a drink to improve skin elasticity and firmness. If not a drink, the vibrant fruits are also ideal as snacks. When incorporated into diet at a regular basis, they maintain collagen production, lower radical damage, and manage the body’s inflammatory responses.  

Avocadoes, Powerhouse of Vitamins and Minerals

The Mexican staple has long been hailed as the elixir to stop the impact of age on skin. A repository of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, avocadoes look after the immune system and shield the skin against UV damage. Putting avocadoes in a salad is one wholesome dish that lets you indulge in a range of good foods at one go. Prepare a spinach, avocado, and blueberry salad, and munch guilt-free. Mashed avocadoes is another easy option—quite an alternative to unhealthy spreads. You may also slice and sprinkle some salt before digging in.

The Unbeatable Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are stuffed with vitamins and minerals that do a wonderful job of maintaining skin health. Spinach, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage promote cell turnover and rejuvenate skin texture and complexion. The Vitamin K present works on dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, thereby enhancing the vitality of your physical appearance by leaps and bounds. Besides salad, smoothies, stir-fried, wraps, and soup are some delish and unconventional ways to enjoy an optimal quantity of leafy produces.

Sweet Potato, The Great Indian Superfood

Collagen-booster sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin C which fights against premature ageing. The amount of nutritional content, flavonoids, carotenoids, and antioxidants present in sweet potatoes makes them a superfood. In fact, it gets its vibrant orange colour from an antioxidant called beta-carotene. While talking about easy and unique ways to consume sweet potatoes, broccoli-stuffed sweet potatoes are definitely a hassle-free option. Sweet potatoes can be consumed in almost any form: baked, regular potatoes, mashed, and even with the peel on.

Pomegranate, The Ultimate Anti-Ageing Secret

For centuries, the fruit has been savoured for its healing powers, Vitamin C, antioxidants, and phenolic acids which act as a potent remedy against fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, free radicals, and UV damage. The fruits generate new cells to preserve the nourishment of the skin. It hydrates the skin, which explains why many skincare products such as toners actively use pomegranate as an ingredient. In the end, you are blessed with youthful and revitalised skin.

Fermented Foods, The Trove of Healthy Bacteria

Fermented foods and drinks have abundant probiotics required for a healthy gut, nutrient absorption and immune function to decelerate the ageing process. Among the drinks, kombucha or mushroom tea and kimchi, a Korean delicacy, are popular options, while Greek yoghurt, fermented cheese, beans and seeds also work fine to replenish your body with a healthy dose of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds to reduce oxidative stress and skin troubles.  

These age-defying foods not merely regenerate your skin but also your physical health for a healthy, long life. The diet seeks to inculcate the practice of living better, instead of merely living longer.