Some Strangest Places on The Earth that are Forbidden to Visit

Truth is stranger than fiction and this quote is quite apt as there are a few places on the earth where the general public is forbidden. Why and where must be the questions arising in your mind right now and through this article, we will put some light on such places. We have compiled a list of places you can’t visit. Read on: 

1. Vatican City Archives 

As the name suggests, the Vatican City Archives is located in Vatican City, the world’s smallest country. Barring a few chosen people no one has access to the Vatican City Archives.

The Vatican City Archives is one of the oldest libraries in the world. It is believed that it has got thousands of books in its collection and some of them are so secretive that they can’t be bought into the public domain. Most of the books here belong to generations of pops. Only a very few holy men have access to the books. Many legends like proof of aliens, and scriptures that questions the historicity of Jesus Christ are believed to exist here. All these things made this place a very secretive e place.

2. North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island is a part of India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the tribes living there do not want to have any contact with outsiders.

The North Sentinel Island is located on the Bay of Bengal and is an island near Andaman and Nicobar islands. It’s the home to the most dangerous tribes of the present era who avoids contact with outsiders. The estimated population of the island is between 50 to 400 people. Any person who wanted to have contact with them was attacked with bows and arrows which resulted in some deaths also. The Government of India has made it a forbidden place and no visitors are allowed there

3. Area 51

Area 51 is probably the most famous name on this list. It’s basically a US military base located in the north of Nevada. Since normal people are not allowed to visit there many urban legends about Area 51 cropped up.

Area 51 has become part of pop culture and this restricted area has given rise to various theories that aliens are kept there, secret research is done here, it’s a base to make biological weapons, and many more such theories. Some believe that the fake moon landing video was shot here and many more absurd theories and it’s believed to have a moonlike surface. In reality, this place is used to develop aircraft and weapons systems by the US military.

4. Snake Island or Queimada Grande, Brazil

There is an entire island in Brazil where snakes are the main inhabitants and most of these snakes are venomous, thus entry to this island is prohibited.

The Queidimada Grande which is famously known as Snake Island is home to an uncountable number of snakes of various shapes, and sizes and a large number of these snakes are venomous. It’s estimated that around 4,000 snakes stay on this island and going there is prohibited because for security reasons.