Hindi is Our National Language and few such Myths we thought were true

There is a saying that if you keep repeating a lie for hundred times, people will start believing that it’s true. Well, this saying is quite true to an extent where many myths were passed off as ‘truth’. Here we have listed down some well-known myths which most of people think are true.

Hindi is Our National Language

From our childhood; we thought that Hindi is our national language where in reality we don’t have anything called a ‘national language’.

Hindi is our national language is one of the most common myths in India but the truth is that Hindi is not our national language, and to begin with we don’t have a national language. It's one of the two "official languages" adopted by the Parliament, the other one is English. Also, we have 22 official languages and Hindi is one of them. It’s high time to break the notion that Hindi is our national language.

Hockey is our National Sports

Another myth we always believed is that hockey is our national sport. We don’t have a national sport in the first place.

There is a popular myth many of us have grown up in this country is that hockey is India's national sport. There is nothing called the National Sport of India and hockey definitely is not our national sport. In 2012, in a reply to an RTI, the Government of India clarified that hockey is not our national sport and moreover, the no concept of a national game in our country.

 Thomas A. Edison Invented the Electric Bulb

Normally Thomas A. Edison is attributed for the invention of the electric bulb which is not entirely true. He improved the existing electric bulb and made it useful enough to last long.

Contrary to the popular belief Thomas A. Edison didn’t invent the electric bulb as many scientists and inventors were working on the electric bulb much before Edison and what Edison did is he improvised the existing technique. But we cannot completely deny his contribution as he was the first one who patented the electric bulb and brought it to the market for the masses and that is why it’s a common belief that he invented the bulb.

The Great Wall of China Is the Only Man-made Object Visible From Space

You must have heard or read somewhere that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object that can be seen from space but it’s nothing more than just a myth.

The common belief that we can see The Great Wall of China is completely false. It’s impossible to see The Great Wall of China from space with naked eyes and even if we use a very good telescope with high zoom power, you can’t be sure whether you are seeing The Great Wall of China or not.