Published By: Soham Halder

Election Gamechanger: Caregiving Agenda in Spotlight; Will this Political Powerplay Help Harris?

Since the pale and feeble President Joe Biden’s appearance in a debate, the presidential race changed its trajectory.

With only a few months left for presidential election, analysts are anticipating an overheated political spectacle which can possibly change the fate of America during and post 2024 election. For that to happen, agendas during campaign can act as true gamechanger. One such agenda, which analysts are considering to have a major role in 2024 presidential race is caregiving facilities. Let's find out why?

Why Caregiving in Spotlight?

Throughout America, individuals to families face the struggle of accessing affordable care. Since the last decade, the child care cost rose by 26%. The rate (over 200%) is even more shocking for last 30 years. Since the last decade, long-term care costs for older adults or people with disabilities increased at least 40%. The worst sufferers are caregivers. Nearly 53 million people serve as caregivers, who face problems like lack of training and paid leaves. This is only a snapshot of a community who urgently need support.

From Harris’s PoV:

Harris, an Advocate of Caregiving Facilities: Caregiving is an issue that probable democrat candidate Kamal Harris knows very well. She helped her mother battling with colon cancer while managing her professional responsibilities. Previously, she has also advocated for affordable child care, paid family and medical leave, as well as better long-term care. “These issues have always been part of her agenda,” said Vicki Shabo, a longtime gender equity policy expert now at New America’s Better Life Lab. “She talks about her mother, her mother being such an important influence, and then pivots to her mother being sick and needing to care for her,” she mentioned.

Thus, analysts are predicting an economic agenda focusing on family caregivers.

(Credit - @KamalaHarris X handle)

Voices For Female Caregivers: During Joe Biden’s administration, one of the largest legislative setbacks happened due to giving up on “caregiving agenda”. Previously, it used to be the post-election discussion topic. However, rising unemployment and cost of caregiving might act as influencing factor in this presidential race.

Harris Advocated Child Care: When she was a district attorney in San Francisco, Harris focused on well-being of children. She also advocated formation of Bureau for Children’s Justice. Justice system praised her work to protect juveniles and foster kids.

Love & Care for Family: Harris took a huge step by signing on to the “FAMILY Act,” which was a Democratic bill to assure paid leave for six months during 2020 campaign.

Women's Rights in the Spotlight:

Harris along with her advisers earlier advocated for including key new investments as part of the famous “Build Back Better” legislation. Currently, the threats on democracy along with attacks on abortion rights are playing much bigger factors. Many analysts are relying on the authority of a woman (Harris) can possibly lead to strict actions.

(Credit - @KamalaHarris X handle)

The Influence on Voters:

Pramila Jayapal, the progressive House Democrat from Washington state who led the Domestic Bill of Rights effort in Congress explained: “She invested time into getting to know these workers, largely women, in the state of California. I think these people could really see themselves in her, and she could see herself in them. And so every time she spoke … on domestic work, on child care, on paid leave, as a Black and South Asian woman, she was able to connect to that work and to the idea that this is the work that makes all other work possible.”

In a recent speech of 30 minutes, she mentioned care economy for 20 seconds which created a huge excitement among residents and policymakers. Meanwhile, the first independent expenditure in support of Kamala Harris was received from the Care Can’t Wait Action Coalition. It started a $500,000 ad campaign in Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin. As per Pivotal Ventures and Bipartisan Policy Center Action polling data, a significant majority of voters feel the caregiving issues must be addressed and prioritized by Presidential candidate during campaign.

Being part of the incumbent administration, Harris is running on previously announced plans for new initiatives. From the past records, it's safe to estimate that Kamala Harris has always some different ideas amd perspectives about prioritizing the topics and agendas. With the Election Day is just couple of months away, it's impossible for Harris to focus on different agendas thoroughly. Thus, specific agenda can act as a gamechanger for her.