Published By: Soham Halder

Ayurveda Aaj - Amla Awesomeness: Ayurvedic Health Benefits & Daily Uses

Discover the incredible health benefits Ayurveda's wonder fruit, Amla!

Over thousands of years, Ayurveda has emphasized on overall well-being through a balanced body, mind, and spirit. In Ayurveda, Amla or Indian Gooseberry is one of the most revered fruits for packing unbelievable punch of nutrients and health benefits. Let's explore Amla’s impressive nutritional profile, diverse health benefits, and how to incorporate into your daily routine.

The Nutrient-Packed Berry:

Amla, the true star in the world of natural remedies provides high amount of vitamin C, (at least 20 times higher than an orange!), antioxidants like polyphenols, essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and iron along with vitamins A and B-complex.

Ancient Fruit, Modern Health Gains:

Fight Free Radicals Naturally: We all know free radicals inside the body badly affect our body. Amla's antioxidant potential deserves a special applause. The ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of amla is much better than other trendy superfoods. High vitamin C content stimulate the production of white blood cells and infection-fighting cells, while revitalizing human bodies. A recent preclinical study showed that amla extract remarkably boosted the immune system in animal bodies. Generations in Indian subcontinent have relied on amla to stay protected from illnesses, especially during cold and flu season.

Amla for Healthy Gut: Apart from boosting immunity, Amla can significantly improve digestion, as per Ayurveda. It stimulates the production of digestive juices, essential for breaking down food for improved nutrient absorption. Amla also provides a cooling effect balancing out excess heat in digestive tract, that might cause inflammation and discomfort. High concentration of fiber also supports regular bowel movements.

Amla’s Heart-smart Benefits: This tiny fruit deliver antioxidants and amino acids essential for combating oxidative stress related to heart diseases. Additionally, abundance of Vitamin C supports the blood vessels reducing risks of plaque buildup. Amla is also effective against bad cholesterol content inside body.

Amla Beauty Boost: Amla holds a natural beauty secret. This amazing fruit provides Vitamin C, crucial for the production of collagen, that keeps skin youthful, radiant and elastic. Consume Amla regularly if you want to reduce wrinkles on your face. Antioxidating properties also help in reducing acne and other skin problems. Amla, one of the key ingredients of hair shampoo, strengthens hair follicles and promotes hair growth and prevents premature graying.

Apart from that, high fiber content of Amla helps in weight management, Polyphenols regulate sugar spikes, and antioxidants help in reducing stress or anxiety. Consumption of Amla is believed to uplift the mood.

Daily Dose of Amla:

The most easiest way of incorporating Amla in our diet is eating it raw if you enjoy the tartness. Otherwise, you can chop into small pieces and enjoy it with other veggies as salad. Amla juice is another famous product available in the market.

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You can drink Amla juice for a refreshing start of the day. Nowadays, Amla powder is also available to enjoy it with yogurt or smoothies. Amla supplements are also available in the market as capsule or tablets to treat different health conditions. Well, Amla can also be consumed as chutneys, pickles, and jams with your meals. A face mask with amla powder and honey can improve your skin health and reduce blemishes.

This multi-tasking marvel should be in your diet as it's the ally on your path to optimal health. Excessive consumption of amla might cause diarrhea in some people. So, you must start intaking this wonder food a little amount at first and gradually increase the dose.