Amazing Facts about Mobile Phones

In the last two decades, mobile phones have become more than just a device where you can connect with people far from you. It has become a very important part of our lives and it’spractically impossible to imagine life without Mobiles. But how well do you really know about your best friend in your pocket? Here’re a few surprising facts about mobiles which will amaze you.

The Price of First Mobile Phone was around$2500

Contrary to popular belief mobile is not a 21st century invention and the first mobile call on mobile was done on April 23, 1973 and the first mobile phone was sold in 1983.

The invention of mobile can’t be attributed to a single person but Martin Cooper, an engineer from America is considered as the ‘father of the cell phone’ who played an important part in developing mobile phones. The first ever call from a mobile was made by him on April 23, 1973 when he was working for Motorola and the weight of that cellphone was 2 kilograms.It took another ten years to get mobile phones in market. The first mobile ever sold was DynaTAC, a series of mobile phones manufactured by Motorolaand its cost was a huge $2,500.

The Computing Power of a Smartphone is more powerful than Apollo 11 guidance computers.

An average smart phone of today’s era has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing. Believe it or not but the computing capacity of the smart mobile you are holding in your hand is more powerful than NASA’s Apollo11guidance computers. Apollo 11 is the spaceship that took the first human beings to the moon!Amazing, is not it?

There is a Phobia called Nomophobia related to Mobiles.

Nomophobia which means No Mobile Phobia is a mental condition when people keeps on worrying about mobile and afraid to get detached from it.

Mobile has become an integral part of our lives and most of us can’t even imagine without mobile phones. The people suffering from Nomophobia takes this addiction to another level where they are always afraid that their mobiles will get lost and keep on checking their mobiles whether it’s safe or not.

On an Average we check our mobile phone about 150 times a day

A recent findings by a screen app lock showed that an average human being unlocks his mobile around 150 times a day.

Have you ever tried to know how many times you use your mobile during a day? Well if not then let us tell you it’s around 150 times a day.The ‘peak’ time when people check their mobile phones is from 5pm to 8pm!Even thoughit is clear that people who have nomophobia check their mobile much more than the average users, who check their mobile phones every 6 minutes on an average.