Published By: Admin

What is US Govt's One-stop Security Proposal to India? Know in Details

Your next International travel might become easier if these new rules are implemented.

Long queue to extensive checking, we have all faced these security check-in issues during international travel. To make the travel more convenient, US government is planning to implement one-stop security system. In this article, we will discuss about this new model and its benefits.

What is One-stop Security?

During India US Aviation Summit, David Pekoske, Administrator of the US Transportation Security Administration (USTSA) mentioned about one-stop security concept and its application strategy.

Pekoske explained: “It’s a concept that expedites the flow of passengers and baggage to their destinations by eliminating the duplication of security controls at transfer points.”

Through this model, passengers after reaching an airport of another country don't have to go through rescreening before taking any domestic flight in that country.

Is it Feasible?

That might be the first question that passengers and policymakers would be getting after listening to this proposal.

Pekoske mentioned: “Flights inbound to the United States are more secure. If there's a reverse agreement between the United States and India where US screening satisfies Indian requirements, that means that flights to India would also be more secure. It does require the regular exchange of information.”

Meanwhile, he mentioned this concept “really powerful.”

He advised: “It requires improvements to security processes to maintain the agreement. It yields a reduction in security costs through better allocation of resources, reduces flight connection times and missed connections, and improves the passenger experience.”

Chance of Sensitive Information Transfer?

To implement this, countries need to sign memorandum of agreement to share sensitive security information.

“We have a category of classification of information that is not classified in the true sense of classified material, but it is sensitive enough that it needs additional protections,” he said.

An Indo-US Partnership in Aviation:

Talking about safety measures in the summit, US Federal Aviation Administrator Michael Whitaker said that “India and the United States need to work together on issues like aviation safety”

“Our (US and India's) national systems of aviation are inextricably linked into a single global network," he said, adding that “the two counties have adjoining air spaces, integrated supply chains, and international services that connect their economies and people.”

He mentioned safety as a “team sport.” It will open the door for both the countries to identify and mitigate unprecedented risks.

“We need to work together on issues like safety, we need to share ideas and share innovations, especially in how to safely incorporate some of these new technologies into our airspace,” he said.

Improving Aviation & Travel Safety:

Michael Whitaker said, “We can and should work together to share best practices and learn from one another. We all have an interest in increasing safety within our respective countries, but we must work together to increase the level of safety in the global aviation system.”

“Our challenge is to bring safety to the next level, and that means we need to proactively analyse data and find those risks of failure and mitigate those risks before they happen,” Whitaker added further.

“I think very tangible and very reachable between India and the United States is one-stop security,” David Pekoske said. If implemented, this will surely make your travel lot more easier.