Ways comedians make us laugh, according to Psychologists

To make someone laugh is art, and here are how the comedians do that so flawlessly. Why do we laugh? What makes us laugh? And how do some people make us laugh so easily? Science and psychologists are trying to find questions of these recurrent questions. Sometimes it seems that laughter is the result of absurdity or a need from the mind to be relieved of the stress.So, how do comedians do this so easily? Psychologists have narrowed down some of the techniques that are most commonly used by comedians. Let’s have a look at some of them. Timing. Comic timing is one of the most important things that can do any comic act. The unique way with which they slow down or speed up their action or speech can make all the difference. For example, some comedians speed talking in the middle of an act suddenly can crack people up in an instant. Exaggeration. The art of exaggeration is also something that makes us laugh our heart out. For example, sometimes the exaggeration of someone’s mannerism or making an exaggerated impersonation of a famous person can make an act quite funny. Slapstick. The word owes its origin to a form of buffoonery in which circus jokers or clowns used wooden slates which is fastened from one end. These slats made a loud slapping sound without causing any injury, making the audience laugh and came to be termed as slapstick comedy. This type of comedy is based on the theory of desire in which one feels superior. In a good slapstick comedy, everyone takes some tumbles, and some knocks, and that is what keeps the comedy refreshing. Repetition. Repetition sometimes makes even a serious thing laughable. And a good comedian makes good use of this thing. A good punchline, the buffoonery of a character is repeated many a time during the act. For example, if somebody was doing a parody on the forgetful professor, he can keep on repeating things he remembers and forgets to tickle the audience’s funny bone. Misunderstanding. Misunderstanding between two people can evoke genuine laughter from the audience. The classic example of this is the enactment of Shakespeare’s “A Comedy of Error”. A seasoned comedian can take scenes of confusion and misunderstanding to another level making a laugh riot. But in the end, we have to salute all the comedians who make you laugh. If you think deeply about it, comedy can be controlling; somebody can make you laugh and control one of your emotions.