Is there such a thing called “Naturally Creative”? Let’s understand the process of achieving your creative mind

“Creative people do not see things for what they are, they see them for what they can be”

Have you ever heard or faced the feeling called writer’s block or painter’s block? When you are left with no word or imagination to solve problems or to deliver any message to the mass. It happens when you lack the creative ability to find solutions to your problems. Now you may ask, what is called creative ability? So, it is all about finding new ways to solve problems or to do any work applying your mind in a unique way. It’s a skill which you need to acquire and then improve to survive in any field. Here are some tips and tricks you need to learn to achieve a creative mind. So, let’s start looking into them –

 Curiosity and open mindedness are the keys

When your mind is free from any preconceived thoughts and you are eager to learn, you can find significance in the most insignificant thing in the world. This is called a growth mindset where you are willing to learn to reach a higher level.

 Come out of the box by overcoming your fear

Comfort zone is actually the danger zone for all of us. You must overcome the fear of failure to get rid of your comfort zone as it’s the only mantra to do something creative. Once you are out of your fear and comfort zone, you’ll have enough confidence to improve your creativity.

 Don’t be reluctant about having new experiences

Your creativity will connect you with numerous new things and for that you need to have endless experiences which will boost your capability. Try something creative which you have never done like public speaking or attending some seminars to develop your skills. These diversified researches will feed your creative engine with a lot of fuel. 

Be passionate to find your purpose

Purpose is an important part to clarify your passion. First, if you think of the purpose of your work and if it suits you, your passion will drive you towards achieving your goal. So, you must be passionate to go deeper to any positive experience in order to sharpen your creative mind.

 Lastly, the most important thing to remember is to avoid the trap of "I can't do it" and be brave to assert “I can do better”.