Useful tips on achieving your goals from psychologists

We all set goals from time to time, especially at the beginning of a new calendar year. However, many of us realize that the motivation levels dipped after some time leading to the goal being missed. Let’s look at some tricks to reach our goals.    Believe your goal into existence The power of positive thinking is sometimes all it takes to achieve something. When you set a goal, believe that you will be successful in meeting it and this will greatly contribute to shaping things to go your way. Having uplifting thoughts and being confident in your abilities is the real game-changer.  Write it on a paper Putting down something on a piece of paper and seeing it mostly sets the wheels in motion. When you write down a goal, it transforms into something achievable rather than being a dream. Subsequently, you jot down steps and ways to meet the goal in a very organized manner. This most of the time does the trick! Be realistic and acknowledge barriers Preparation is the key! When we are realistic, we will be ready for any potential obstacle. We will not only acknowledge the barriers but will leverage them as motivators to perform even better. We will also do prep work in anticipation of such obstacles and possibly eliminate them. Always tie your goal to a deadline Procrastination is the biggest psychological barrier to achieving your objective. A serious motivation to achieve any goal is to tie it to a realistic deadline and then stick to this plan. If you feel the goal is big enough, break it into sub-goals that in combination can meet the larger goal; and have a deadline for each of these sub-goals.  Enlist a support group or a buddy One of the main ingredients of success can be being held accountable for your goal. You can choose a family member, friend, or buddy, discuss your goal with them and have them check on it periodically to note down the progress. In case you seek any help in meeting your goal, find a mentor who can guide you towards success!  Recognize your wins It’s essential to mentally reward yourself. In case your goal is long-term and you can’t see any major progress fortnightly, recognize and celebrate the small step forwards. You need not celebrate in the real sense, but recoup the energy for the next milestone. Practicing these tips will surely take you closer to your goal.