Six Common Indoor And Outdoor Plants That Are Toxic For Cats And Dogs

It turns out, nearly hundreds of common indoor and outdoor plants can be pretty to us but toxic to our pets, and a number of these poisonous greens can be found growing in and around our homes.

One of the most common and greatest responsibilities that every pet parent faces is keeping their furry companion away from harm. When talking about common houseplants, few are unsafe for your pets, particularly dogs and cats. While several plants are absolutely safe, few can range from being mildly irritating to downright fatal. Here are six common plants you should keep at bay to keep your furry baby safe.

Jade Plant

The Jade plant was introduced as a lovely houseplant several decades ago. This succulent is particularly grown and adored for its sturdy tree-like look and its fleshy leaves offers an exotic appeal. But it is harmful to cats and dogs if they accidentally ingest any part of the plant. The toxic property of the plant is still unknown, but the symptoms include mild lethargy, vomiting, lack of coordination, loss of appetite, and in rare cases, it might cause convulsions.


Lilies (such as calla lily, peace lily, Tiger lily, and Easter lily) are highly poisonous and potentially lethal to cats. Some varieties of lilies are also unsafe for dogs. If your pet accidentally ingests parts of a lily plant, it may induce diarrhoea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach ache, difficulty swallowing, depression, and in extreme cases it might lead to kidney damage and failure and multiple organ failure.


Several popular ivy varieties like Devil's ivy and English ivy are moderately toxic to pets. If consumed, it may cause stomach and mouth irritation, foaming at the mouth, excessive drooling, swelling of the tongue, lips, and mouth, and also induce vomiting and diarrhoea.

Snake Plant

Snake plants have variegated spear-like leaves and an upright appearance, rendering it a nearly indestructible exterior that can add a dramatic appeal to your room. This African tropical plant requires little water and prefers indirect light. But Jade plants are highly toxic if ingested by your pets. It contains a toxic element called saponin, with foaming properties very similar to soap. Symptoms typically range from mild to moderate, including nausea, drooling, diarrhoea, and vomiting.

Aloe vera

For humans, aloe vera is a medicinal plant but its level of toxicity ranges from mild to moderate for dogs and cats. It may cause diarrhoea, vomiting, lethargy, anorexia, tremors, depression, and a change in the color of urine.

Sago Palms

Every part of this plant is highly poisonous to dogs. Accidental consumption of sago palm can cause fatal sickness to your pets. Avoid keeping this plant in and around your place if you own pets.

We hope this guide helps you care for your pets and plants better.