Smart and Harmless Hacks To Keep Cats Away From Your Garden

Cats love raiding gardens with dry dirt or soft sand.

Cats in your neighborhood probably love digging in your yard. Why is it a nuisance? Well, cats are carnivores, and their droppings contain pathogens or parasites that are absent in herbivore manure. It may be a cause of concern for garden owners who eat the foods they grow! Feral cats also hunt songbirds and other small animals. And if you own a garden, you are certainly aiming at attracting pollinators like hummingbirds and other wild birds. To solve this problem of feline invasion, follow these harmless hacks below.

Build a fence

Build a fence around your garden using chicken wire, or you can use PVC pipes to create a mesh or install wooden skates to prevent cats from digging in your raised flower beds or veggie patch. Make sure the barrier is at least 3 to 5 feet high so that your feline trespassers can’t jump over it.

Scatter citrus peels to deter cats

Cats are sensitive to the fragrance of citrus fruits, and they keep away from places that exude strong lemony scents. You can scatter shredded peels of citrus fruits around your garden to deter kitties.

Hang wind chimes

High-frequency sounds produced by stringing bells and wind chimes deter cats because they are sensitive to these sounds. These sounds generate an ultrasonic vibration that cats fail to bear and choose to stay away from them.

Use essential oils

Add 7 to 10 drops of lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus essential oil to one-liter water and shake it well. Next, spray this fragrant water around your garden and in the areas that you want to keep free of cats. Cats hate such scents and will keep them away, for as long as the fragrance lingers.

Scatter your hair

Collect all the loose hair from your hairbrush and scatter them around your garden, or grab a bag and fill it with human hair and place it at the spot where felines frequent. Cats loathe the scent emitted by human hair and will stop visiting your yard.

Grow plants that deter cats

Grow plants in your yard that deter cats, like lemon thyme, lavender, rue, and pennyroyal to allow other plants to flourish well without the threat of pouncing kitties.

Design a cat-friendly space outside your garden

Designate a space outside your garden and create a cat-friendly corner that your feline friends can enjoy. This friendly corner will keep them occupied and away from your garden. You can grow cat-friendly plants like catnip, zinnias, and rosemary. Also, build a sand bed to prevent cats from littering in your yard.

Follow these harmless hacks to protect your garden. Good Luck!