Clear Signs That Indicate Your Houseplant Requires More Light To Grow: Find Out What To Do

Light plays a major role in plant growth, but people often fail to diagnose when and if houseplants require more light!

All plants need light for photosynthesis because it is their primary source of energy. When plants do not receive sufficient light, you can notice changes in their appearance. But even if your house looks bright to you, your indoor green babies may be craving more sunlight. Below are some clear signs that suggest your houseplants are not receiving adequate light. Find out what you should do.

Leggy Growth

Look out for leggy growth—new leaves will grow far apart, exposing more length of stem between leaves, and the plant will appear straggly and thin. When houseplants do not get enough sunlight, their branches and stems lengthen to ‘reach out’ for more sunlight. As a result, the leaves of the plants grow further apart and do not look healthy and lush.

Smaller Leaves

If your plant suddenly starts producing much smaller leaves, then it may be because it is lacking the sufficient energy needed to grow larger ones. Compare the old growth to the new growth, to mark the difference. Reposition your indoor plant to a better-lit area to restore proper growth.


If your houseplants begin leaning toward the windows, doors, or some other brighter area, it is clearly suggesting that it requires more light to grow and nurture. Every time you water your plants, rotate them so that their leaves and stems can receive more sunlight.

Browning Leaves

If you notice your indoor plants’ leaves turning brown or pale yellow instead of green—it is because they are not receiving enough sunlight. Owing to insufficient sunlight, plants fail to produce chlorophyll—the pigment that imparts green color to the leaves—and its absence can turn the leaves brown or pale yellow.

Soil Stays Moist for Longer

When plants lack adequate sunlight, it fails to soak all the water—as a result—the soil stays damp for much longer. If you place your houseplant at a spot that receives more natural light, you will observe the soil will dry out almost instantly.

Absence of New Growth

Plants receive energy from sunlight and use it to develop blossoms, grow big, and flourish. Without adequate light, the plant’s growing process gets disrupted significantly—resulting in stunted or slowed growth.

Take good care of your green babies by creating a healthy indoor environment for them to thrive.