Published By: Admin

Mastering Monsoon Haircare: Essential Dos and Don’ts for Perfectly Pampered Locks

Although, there’s no doubt about it how Indians enjoy the arrival of monsoon, this season can turn out to be stressful for your tresses. When we think of monsoon hair, many of us can relate to Monica’s frizzy hair in Barbados from ‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S’. Don’t worry, with a few meticulous adjustments in your hair care routine, you can turn the rainy season in your favour. We have curated a list of do’s and don'ts for you to ensure that your hair stays in its best condition during the monsoon.

What Monsoon Does to Your Hair

During monsoon, the humidity content in the air increases. This wreaks havoc on your hair. Not only does it cause frizz, but the damp air leads to uncontrollable sweating. This sweat stimulates more oil production from the sebum glands on your scalp. The combination of oil and sweat acts as a breeding ground for bacteria. Your scalp might feel itchy and greasy, and you might need to shampoo your hair more often.

Monsoon Haircare Do’s

Relieve Scalp Tension with Looser Hairstyles

What do we generally do with our hair?- we pull it into tight buns. This can significantly irritate your scalp due to the weight of the bun. Allow your scalp to breathe in the rainy season. Wear your hair down, or tie it into a loose ponytail, or a half-up style, to ensure that it doesn’t put strain on your scalp.

Nourish Your Hair Ends, Trim at Regular Intervals

A hair strand is composed of Keratin protein. This is why your hair needs proper nourishment, from roots to tips, now and then. If the tip/end of your hair lacks essential nutrients, it will appear very frizzy, dull and lifeless.

Use an SLS and Paraben Free Shampoo

One of the most common ingredients in shampoos is Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLS). This ingredient helps to remove excess dirt and oil from the scalp, thus keeping the roots of the hair clean and healthy. However, SLS also scrapes much of the natural moisture that your scalp needs. This can dehydrate your hair, and lead to itchy scalp. To maintain a healthy scalp, opt for SLS and paraben-free shampoos, which nourish your hair, restore its natural pH balance, and retain moisture.

Skip Hairdryer: Go for Natural Drying for Healthier Hair

We feel the urge to instantly grab the hairdryer after showering, especially when we have plans outdoors! Avoid using a hairdryer as it can damage your scalp. Pat your hair dry with a soft towel that absorbs excess moisture, keep your hair down and let it dry naturally in the air. Remember, your hair is delicate when it's wet, so it’s best to avoid hairdryers to prevent permanent damage.

Regularly Wash and Oil Your Hair

Many people stay away from oiling their hair. On the other hand, many believe it is important for hair health. The truth lies in the fact that as we age, nourishing our hair becomes increasingly important. You should oil and wash your hair ideally twice a week to maintain hygiene and scalp health. Choose a nourishing hair oil brand which contains more natural ingredients and less chemicals. Oiling your hair will strengthen hair roots, lessen hair breakage, and help fight dandruff.

Use Hair Masks Weekly

Occasional use of hair masks ensures that your hair gets that extra layer of repair and hydration. Hair masks are mostly applied at night before you go to sleep. If you have a special event the next day, you don’t want your hair to ruin it. Applying hair masks the previous night will give your hair its natural bounce. You should use a hair mask once a week for optimal results.

Maintain a Proper, Healthy Diet and Stay Hydrated

Your hair health has a direct relation to your diet and nutrition. You should follow a balanced diet comprised of both macro and micronutrients. Additionally, you should drink lots of fluids to ensure adequate hydration. A lack of nutrition and proper hydration renders that dull and frizzy look to your hair. Your hair also becomes more vulnerable to external environmental stressors. Measure your nutrient intake. You can also opt for supplements. However, consult a healthcare professional before you get one.

Monsoon Haircare Don’ts

Don’t Overlook Your Itchy Scalp

A single wash isn’t always sufficient to resolve an itchy scalp. During monsoon, due to increased humidity and exposure to rain, your scalp can trap more sweat, thus resulting in itchiness and discomfort. To combat this, make sure you are shampooing your hair at least twice or thrice a week. Remember to oil your hair to retain the natural moisture.

Avoid Excessive Use of Hair Products

Too much application of various hair care products and styling tools can damage the protective barrier of your hair. When this protective layer wears off, your hair becomes more vulnerable to damage from free radicals. To maintain proper hair health and strength, you must avoid using too many hair products and tools.

Don’t Use Dry Shampoos Too Often

Many people rely on dry shampoos for the rest of the week after their third-day hair wash. You can use dry shampoos in an emergency, say an event which has been instantly planned. However, to depend on it regularly is a big mistake as it can turn out to be detrimental to your hair follicles.  Try switching to natural dry shampoos which are comparatively gentle on your hair.

Don’t Step Out With Wet Hair

When your hair is wet, there is high chance that it gets damaged. As the roots of the hair and the scalp remain soft when wet, they become more vulnerable to damage caused by free radicals. So, always wait and let your hair dry naturally in the air before you step out. 

Monsoon is a critical time for your hair, as during this season your hair experiences the most frizz and dryness. To keep these hair problems at bay, follow the above tips. Remember, that rainwater and external pollutants can further proliferate damage to both your hair and skin. So, always carry an umbrella and wear suitable rain clothing to nail your best look this rainy season!