The magical component of colour therapy that might help you soothe!

Colour therapy is a variation of alternative medicine that uses various colours to improve the psychological conditions. Even though the therapeutic process is often termed as pseudoscience, colour therapy is gaining prominence among the new generation. In this article we will discuss five amazing aspects of the colour blue and how it can improve your mental health. Blue is a colour that often radiates the compassion and caring side of the mind.

Feelings Emoted From Blue

We normally see blue in two natural forms. We see it as the colour of the sky above our head. Also, we see blue as the color of water in the large ocean. Both the sky and ocean seem peaceful and serene to human beings. That is why the general and common feeling that gets generated from the colour blue is of relaxed and calmness. The colour blue radiates tranquility and serenity in human minds.

Can Deal with Your Insomnia

The darker shades of blue are often regarded as dreamy or having a soporific effect. That is why several experts recommend blue colour therapy to the persons who are disturbed with insomnia or sleep deprivation issues. In addition to that, blue is also used as a tool to reduce obesity. Yes, you heard it right! Several researchers found that appetite decreases while eating on a blue plate, most probably because blue color is very rare in natural foods.

Blue is color of love & Calmness

There is a famous movie that is named 'Blue is the Warmest Colour '. As the movie portrays the characteristics of the protagonist who falls in love with a girl whose hair is blue. There are several examples like this, most significantly in 'Avatar' where the landscape gradually turns from bleak to blue which symbolises the love of mother nature. There are some countries where blue is a must in the wedding dresses of both parties as it represents strengthening the relationship.

The Spirituality of Blue

The skies which signify heaven are of the colour blue. Meanwhile, the water bodies are also of blue colour. Many people associate them with spiritual synergy. In many workplaces blue is seen as a symbol of loyalty and gratitude. Companies often use the color blue to promote themselves as the colour represents credibility and trustability too.

Colour So Relaxing It is Used in Suicide Prevention

Several countries used blue light at railroads where many suicides take place. Surprisingly, the reports over the year saw reduction in the rate of suicide. Many study institutions are using blue lights in their premises to increase the safety of their pupils.