Five dangerous signs you need to identify quickly!

Whenever any problems arise or traumatic experiences happen, our body and mind reacts to the ensuing problem. However, the types of reactions might vary. Many will fight against the situation or run away from the danger. Although there are some individuals who go into the freeze mode! Here are 5 signs you must take note of yourself to identify that you're in that freeze mode and try to get out of it.

Procrastinating in the Time of Anxiety

One of the most common signs that reflects that a person is in 'freeze' mode is the lack of effort shown in front of the problem. Taking action seems the biggest obstacle for you. You become too anxious and nervous. However, you stop doing what needs to be done to get out of that anxious situation. One of the primary reasons behind this is the loss of self-confidence. You feel that whatever is happening to you, you deserve that, and there is no point trying to overcome the perilous situation.

Being Nonchalant about Yourself & Social Life

You start to develop less interest in yourself and whatever is going around you. You stop eating foods at the proper time, work life gets devastated, and even your sleep routine gets dysfunctional. Furthermore, you don't want to see or meet with your friends anymore. The usual hangout days gradually go away from your life. You withdraw yourself from social media, even stop replying to the messages from your friends.

Loss of Words

When you're in freeze mode, it seems pretty difficult to talk about what's pent-up inside you. It always goes inside your head that people will misunderstand you, and no one will eventually care for you. Even when talking a little bit, you tend to avoid eye contact. You want no one to see inside your depth of mind. You became afraid of trusting anyone again.

Running away from responsibilities

In freeze mode, you invest your time in doing casual things like watching useless things on TV, or playing games when you have other important tasks to do in your career. You steer clear yourself from taking any responsibilities, want to stay away from places where you might have to engage with people.

Fatigue kicks in

You always feel like you are in too much stress and fatigue is weighing on you. The heartbeat slows down and energy gets diminished without proper reason.