5 Common Causes Of Passive Aggressive Behaviour

The reasons behind an individual choosing the let out frustration behind the back!

Passive aggressive behaviour is one of the situations from which probably everyone went through or going through right now in their life. It can be defined as a way to release the suppressed frustration indirectly even when a person sounds affirmative or happy in general. A passive-aggressive person can happily say that they will do a thing even when they don't want to do that. Here are 5 causes that cause the passive-aggressive behaviour in human beings.

Childhood Controlled By Others

This is one of the primary reasons behind a person being passive-aggressive. In India, parents are often conservative in nature, and make the final call on many aspects of their children's life. Children in these families always have to do things they never really wanted to execute in the first place. However, they have to continue doing those for a long time and the resentment comes out as passive aggressiveness.


People who get bullied in their childhood or adulthood a lot also develop a passive aggressive personality. They always get unappreciated and ridiculed for their calm or distinctive behaviour, or for their looks, and no one really comes to save them. That is why they think that obeying everyone silently is the only way they can remain unbothered from being bullied. That is why they ensure everything silently, and the anger and disappointment in them gets released as passive aggressiveness.

Fear of Losing Important Persons

You sometimes think that if you burst out then your relationship with your partner, siblings or friends might turn sour. After a tough childhood, when someone gets a companion whom they can trust, they become too afraid to lose them. That fear works as a catalyst in keeping the disagreement inside them and expressing them in an indirect way.

Bad at Expressing Emotions

Emotions define who we are. However, everyone can not express their emotions openly, especially introverts. They hope that the other person might actually understand or get a hint of what they're saying. Although it rarely happens, and the lack of cooperation makes them sink into their own thoughts. Eventually, they think expressing everything might backfire.

Other Reasons

Several other reasons are also linked with the phenomenon of being passive-aggressive. However, all of them might not be fully applicable to every individual. ADHD, long depressive state of mind, drug intake can also cause a person to become passive-aggressive mildly.