Published By: Admin

Knowing when the time is right: Reading minds in a relation- 7 tips

If you are popping the question soon, here are a few things to consider!

Whether you are in the dating phase, or maybe soon preparing to propose, it is very important to know when the time is right for everything. You can always make your relationship better with a bit of extra effort. After all, life is not a romantic comedy when the protagonist knows just when the time is right! What do you do to know the right time? Let’s get into it!

Spend Time Apart

This might seem like a bad idea but when you are into a person, it is necessary to keep a healthy distance. As it has been said for a very long time, absence does make the heart fonder. Each person needs their own space and a certain amount of quality time is deserved by both people in the relationship. Before you decide to pop the question, make sure you have given your partner enough space to contemplate their relationship with you.

Sleep At The Same Hour

This is another relationship saga which must be handled with utmost care. If you are in doubt about what your partner might be doing after you drift away, it might be time to reconsider the relationship. The time will be right when both of you decide to bring your circadian rhythm to the same phase.


When you already know about the weaknesses of your partner, it could mean that you are close to them. It is not only about knowing their deepest fears but also about their darkest insecurities. If you can be vulnerable in front of your partner and vice versa, it might be the right time to go for ring shopping!

Design Experiences

When it is about romance, do you two have the spark of having your song? Do you have memories around the corner of the street where you met for the first time? Do you remember your firsts and your best experiences together? If you do, why are you still hesitating on the thoughts of the “right time”?

Element of Surprise

No relationship works out if you pour monotony into it. You have to keep your eyes open for your partner's choices and desires. Ensure that you make their little dreams come true. Also, keep an eye open to see whether they are doing the same for you.


Finally, it is the big “C” of the relationships. You have to communicate with your partner if you want to know if the time is right. Is he or she amicable to the idea of spending your life together? Do you both want the same things in the future? What will be the colour of your apartment? These are some of the questions which you ask before taking out the velvet box to know that they are completely on board with your ideas.

Have you gone through each of these checkpoints? Are you ready to acknowledge that it is finally time now? These are surprisingly impactful techniques which will help you to assess the right time in your relationship!