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Dependency And Codependency Are Not The Same! Warning Signs You Are In A Codependent Relationship

Codependency is a condition in a relationship where one partner enables the other’s addiction, immaturity, poor emotional health, under-achievement or irresponsibility.

Among the main characteristics of codependency, there is often excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity. Recognizing the warning signs of a codependent relationship is crucial for the well-being of both partners involved. Here are several warning signs indicating you might be in a codependent relationship:

Lack of Boundaries

In a codependent relationship, boundaries between you and your partner are often blurred or non-existent. You may find it hard to say no, sacrifice your own needs to please your partner, or feel responsible for their emotions and decisions. Healthy relationships require clear boundaries that respect individual needs and identities.

Low Self-Esteem

Codependency often stems from low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. You might find yourself constantly seeking validation and approval from your partner because you don’t feel worthy on your own. This can lead to a cycle where your sense of self-worth is entirely dependent on your relationship.

Caretaking to the Extreme

While caring for your partner is a normal part of any relationship, in a codependent relationship, this care is taken to an unhealthy level. You might feel compelled to solve all their problems, make their decisions, and generally take on responsibilities that should be theirs, often neglecting your own needs in the process.

Fear of Abandonment

A profound fear of abandonment often characterizes codependent relationships. This fear can drive you to go to great lengths to keep your partner happy, even at your own expense, because you’re terrified of them leaving you. This fear can stem from past experiences and can lead to clingy or needy behaviour.

Difficulty Communicating

In a codependent relationship, you might find it challenging to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs openly. You may fear that being honest will upset your partner or lead to rejection. This can result in suppressed emotions, resentment, and a lack of genuine intimacy.

Obsessive Thoughts

Spending a lot of time worrying about your relationship or obsessing over your partner’s actions, feelings, or needs can be a sign of codependency. This obsessive thinking often leads to neglecting other important aspects of your life, such as friendships, hobbies, and even your own health.

Staying in the Relationship Despite Unhealthy Behaviours


You may find yourself making excuses for your partner’s harmful behaviours or staying in the relationship despite clear signs it is detrimental to your well-being. This can include tolerating abuse, addiction, or chronic irresponsibility because you believe you can “fix” them or that you’re somehow responsible for their behaviour.

An Overwhelming Need for Control

In a codependent relationship, there might be an overwhelming need to control situations and outcomes, especially relating to your partner’s behaviour. This need for control often stems from an underlying fear that without it, the relationship will fall apart. It can manifest as controlling where your partner goes, who they see, and what they do.

Neglecting Other Relationships

Codependency often leads to the neglect of other important relationships in your life. You may find yourself spending less time with friends and family or giving up activities you once enjoyed because your relationship consumes all your time and energy.

Recognizing these warning signs in your relationship is the first step toward healing. Breaking free from codependency involves developing a stronger sense of self, establishing healthy boundaries, and engaging in individual therapy or support groups. Remember, both partners deserve a relationship based on mutual respect, independence, and healthy interdependence.