Published By: Admin

Do you have a golden retriever boyfriend

Boyfriends that exude golden retriever energy – loyal, playful, affectionate

Newest Tiktok relationship term – Golden Retriever boyfriend. Surely you have come across reels where girls admire their golden retriever boyfriend. So let’s break it down for you.

TikTok defines a Golden Retriever boyfriend as someone who embodies traits akin to the beloved canine breed: trustworthiness, kindness, emotional openness, and an infectious optimism that lights up any room.

A boyfriend eagerly awaiting his partner's return from work, his eyes lighting up with joy at the sight of her. He's the type who can't wait to surprise his partner, and craves constant stimulation to keep his boundless energy in check.

To make it simple, imagine a golden retriever who is always excited to see you, has a smile on, finds joy in little things and just likes your attention and giving you attention – that sums up a golden retriever boyfriend.

Wondering if you too have a golden retriever boyfriend? Look out for these signs,


If you’re boyfriend showers you with your love language, hugs you, whispering words of love and encouragement, it is a sign you got a golden retriever boyfriend.  His affectionate gestures, from gentle kisses to spontaneous cuddles, never fail to uplift your spirits and make you feel cherished.

Positive Energy

Yes, they have that happy, positive energy as a golden retriever. Your boyfriend remains a beacon of positivity and optimism. He has this uncurbed enthusiasm and unwavering positivity that lifts your spirit every time.

They listen…with their heart and ears

During a heart-to-heart conversation about your aspirations and fears, your partner leans in attentively, his undivided attention solely focused on you. He nods empathetically, offering words of support and understanding, creating a safe space for you to express yourself freely.

They are emotionally available

A golden retriever boyfriend will understand your emtonal needs, as well as not be afraid to share and show his emotions. They are open with their feelings, nothing of the no-emotion Gigachad crap. Whether it's a reassuring hug or a heartfelt pep talk, his emotions are  unwavering present that helps you in times of fall.

Their loyalty is at par with your expectations

In a world filled with uncertainty, you find solace in the unwavering loyalty of your partner. He remains steadfast in his commitment to you, earning your trust through his consistent actions and unwavering devotion.

Sense of Humor

On a rainy day when you're feeling glum, your partner unleashes his playful side, regaling you with silly jokes and hilarious anecdotes. His infectious laughter fills the room, banishing your worries and reminding you of the joy that comes from sharing lighthearted moments together.

They are appreciative of you

And they let you know how much they appreciate you.

Understanding and Supportive

During a particularly stressful week at work, you confide in your partner about your mounting anxiety and self-doubt. Without judgment or criticism, he offers a listening ear and words of encouragement, after bringing you a tub of ice cream or ordering you your favourite pizza.

They tell you how beautiful you are

As you prepare for a night out together, your partner's eyes light up with admiration as he gazes at you, dressed to the nines. His genuine compliments and unwavering affection make you feel radiant and confident, reaffirming your beauty and worth.