Photographers from India, Sriram Murali and Vishnu Gopal, won awards under different categories at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
The Natural History Museum hosts the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition each year which sees people from across the world submitting their incredible photographs. From beauty to fragility, these photos show the animals in the wild in a whole new light. This year, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award was claimed by Nima Sarikhani for his picture ‘Ice Bed’ - a polar bear sleeping on ice. There are also other categories in the competition in which people, including two photographers from India, won with their well-composed photographs of wild animals. While one of them captured an image of fireflies, the other won with a picture of a tapir.
This photo by Sriram Murali from India won first place in the Behaviour: Invertebrates category. Captured at Anamalai Tiger Reserve, the picture shows “a night sky and a forest illuminated with fireflies”.
“I'm absolutely thrilled to announce that I've been awarded with the most prestigious NHM Wildlife Photographer of the Year award -2023 in the Animal Portraits category,” photographer Vishnu Gopal wrote as he announced his win on Instagram. His award-winning picture shows a tapir in a dimly lit rainforest.
Here are five more award-winning pictures from the competition.
This picture captured by photographer Amit Eshel won first place in the Animals in their Environment category. It shows a dramatic clash unfolding between two Nubian ibex.
“Juan Jesús Gonzalez Ahumada watched as toad tadpoles feasted on a dead fledgling sparrow that had fallen into a pond near his home.” reads a post shared on the official Instagram page dedicated to the competition. Named the Tadpole Banquet, this image won under the Behaviour: Amphibians and Reptiles category.
This image by photographer Hadrien Lalagüe captures an “unexpected encounter between a group of grey-winged trumpeters and a boa”. The photographer, in an Instagram post, revealed that the award-winning image is part of a series of 71 images that he compiled into a timelapse video.
Laurent Ballesta, a photographer from France, won under the category Portfolio Award. His picture shows a vibrant horseshoe crab moving slowly over the mud in search of food.
Captured by Mike Korostelev, this image won an award in the Under Water category. He captured this image of hippos swimming underwater using a drone.
Which of these images did you like the most? Did these award-winning pictures from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023 leave you amazed?
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