For Simple Ways To Teach Responsibility To Kids

One of the most common traits that every parent wants their child to inculcate is responsibility. However, describing responsibility is not very simple. Responsibility is a very broad term that includes many different things, such as being dependable, keeping one's words and agreements, being accountable for one's behaviour, being a contributing member of one's family, community, and society. Here we have a few tips on how to instil a sense of responsibility in your children. Start early Trying to imbibe good habits from a young age has its own set of advantages. Giving a child responsibility that requires some effort will increase his sense of independence. Simple chores like cleaning the bed or room, putting away toys after playtime, helping parents during grocery shopping can go a long way in making children responsible. Research indicates that children who help around the house are more likely to offer help in other situations outside the house. Magic of Appreciation Many times we keep our expectations so high that we forget to notice small things that our children do regularly. Noticing little acts of kindness and appreciating them will encourage children to be responsible. For example, when your child shares his toys with his friends or siblings, when he helps you in taking care of the toddler at home, when he changes the water bowl for the pet, or when he waters the plant. Acknowledging their small efforts will go a long way in encouraging them to imbibe these as good habits. Avoid threats or punishments. Threats and ultimatums never work with children. Of course, your child must know that he needs to follow certain rules or that he is supposed to behave in a particular way, but that should be done positively. Apart from being ineffective, harsh physical or verbal punishment can cause long-term physical and mental damage to a child. Set good examples 'Practice what you preach' is a very effective saying. We might not realize it, but we are constantly being observed by our children. So, nothing is better than setting good examples for them. As parents, we need to avoid certain negative behaviours near our children, such as extreme emotional reactions, not admitting to mistakes, using foul language, being rude, not being punctual, etc. These are just a few of many things that can be done to make the little ones responsible. We must realize that there is no magical way to do this, and it will require constant effort and innovations from parents.