Tips for starting writing a screenplay

It is easy; just read through the guide

Narrating a story is one thing and outing that story on a board makes it visually effective to get the story is a task and a craft. The art of screenplay writing is nothing short of a work of a genius. From keeping track of the chronology of the story mind to bringing it down on a board as if the story was playing right, there is a humongous task. Something of a daunting task, but like any other kind of creative writing, this is also a story, albeit it involves dialogues and elaborate narrations of scenes to make it into a visually appealing narration on screen. For those looking to make it as a screenplay writer, here are some tips for beginning.

Any writing job begins with massive intensive useful research.

Even when it comes to writing a story - a narration – thorough research is required as it brings in the required authenticity. Along with that, it also adds substance to the story making it even more relatable to the target audience. The research includes looking into every aspect of the narration. Right, from the point from where the start begins, where you want to take the story and where to end it.

For this, you need to talk to people, visit places, bring in the correct period of time, and portray how things functioned in that particular period. If you wish to be a detective thriller writer, approach a detective and speak to them. If you wish to stir up a story on food or a chef, get around a kitchen and chef to find out how that world operates. Besides, watch and observe movies based on your interest in the genre. Read books relating to the topic and spend time with people from that background.

Develop the characters for the story

Research is part of bringing out to the screen a story but with characters. It is during the research that you will come across various people that, in turn, will help you build characters of your own. While some of the references might seem too close to real life, some of the characters will be an inspiration and help you take the story forward.

Putting together the plot, an outline of the narration

With characters and research for the screenplay in place, get down to putting it all into words. Begin by first writing what you think and have in mind, then slowly, after multiple re-reads, you will reach the final product.


Lastly, put in how you would want to end your story.