Writing tips for budding storytellers

Channelize the creative side and let it flow

Humans are born with imagination and creativity. But it is only up to a few of us to bring into consideration and play the full power of imagination and creativity together. Those who have been successful in playing the two together are the ones with great stories. These people dig deep into the corners of their imagination to bring to life stories that are intriguing and enthralling. But narrating a story is one thing and writing it down in words is another - the latter being a tad bit difficult from the other. While there are no rules to writing a story, there sure are some tips that can come in handy for budding storytellers. Read on to find out more.

Keep a pocket notebook and a pen always with you.

Writing a story demands characters, places, incidents, dialogues, context, synchronization, and all combined to form a gripping narration. And it is not a task of one day to finish a book or a story. For that, it is advised to carry a pocket notebook or a recorder with you all the time. As and when an idea for a chapter or a character strikes, and when observation becomes so peculiar, it is best to write it down immediately or record it.

Jotting down notes helps in assembling the thoughts and ideas pertaining to the story. It helps in forming a structure and, at times, characters. Collecting pointers also define further finding the what, where, when, why, and how of the plot.

Question the motive of the story that you want to tell

Motive is important as it defines the intention and focus of the narration and the plot. The more you pose questions, the more clarity you will be bestowed upon. Start to pose questions as to what is my story all about? What do I achieve to tell, and what is it based on? These questions help you re-define the narration and not let you beat around the bush leading to a loss in the plot.

Lock in a time to ideate, write and do not lose focus.

If this is something that you are doing on the side while keeping a job that pays, then you have got to allot time to writing. If the brain doesn't get serious about actually writing a story, it will never happen. When you allow dedicated time to write, putting together the ideas and imagination, a story always emerges. There is a discipline one has to adhere to in order to get a story out.