A guide to avoiding clutter with toddlers

A house full of toddlers is equal to mess on another level. When you have a house full of toddlers, you tend to spend most of your time sorting mess around the house. At the end of the day, the mothers are all tired and energy-deprived and to onlookers, the prospect of motherhood does not look very exciting. But the real trouble is that the kids would be kids and you cannot stop them to be themselves and play. So, what is the solution? Let us find out. Raise aware kids using the minimalist Approach and teach them how to declutter While you cannot stop kids from being kids, you can always teach them quite early in their life. Most parents apply a minimalistic approach to their kids. Here is how you can make full use of this approach in teaching your kids. Try to get your kids to join you in decluttering The biggest mistake we as parents always do is setting a bad example in front of our kids. Kids would make a mess and while you clean in alone, they assume you must do so. Whenever you are cleaning the house, try to get your kids to join you and help. Even if your kid is young enough to understand, you can try to show the minimalistic values through actions. Young children often copy their parent’s actions and they will be tending to join in to help immediately. You can also introduce rewards, as when they have helped you, you tend to one of their wishes. But don’t make it a habit and get them to understand the concept of doing things themselves. You can also start by creating a schedule Decluttering now and then would be hard on your body and mind, so try to set a schedule. You can set a decluttering schedule as per your comfort and would only take a fixed number of hours from your day. That would exponentially reduce your work stress. Also, when you have a schedule, you would extra hours to yourself to relax. Also, try to establish certain boundaries with your toddlers  It is very important to set certain boundaries with your toddlers. For example, don’t allow them to spread toys all around the house, and they must keep their toys and clutter in the playroom only. Try to be firm about it, so that your child understands the importance of space. While we understand that the process is hard but baby steps in this direction would go a long way.