5 Simple Activities to Help Toddlers Develop Emotional Intelligence

Toddlers have the fastest developing brain and grasp everything around them like a sponge. Here are some activities that will help them learn emotional intelligence. When it comes to social-emotional learning at home, you don't necessarily need to be an experienced preschool educator. Here are some of the most effective activities for preschoolers that you should try at home to keep your kids engaged the right way. Tabletop Games Teaching your child self-control may be as simple as playing board games together. A 4-year-old losing a game of Candyland is the best way to show you just how critical self-regulation is. Sore losers are a natural part of the childhood experience for most children. It's not uncommon for three and four-year-olds to have a highly egocentric vision of the world. Put Up A Show Emotions may be taught through a variety of role-playing games. If you adore the beach, you should tell it in as many different ways as you can. Using this technique, you may connect with the meaning and emotion of words in a particular situation. If you say "I adore coming to the beach" with excitement, it conveys a very different meaning than if you say it with sadness or disappointment. If your youngster recently learned that you're on vacation, this might signify that they've just learned that the vacation has been canceled due to terrible weather. Demonstrate emotions and body language with your child, and talk about the situations that may elicit such feelings. Use Expression One of the best ways to improve social-emotional abilities is via artistic expression. Using a mirror and drawing an image of yourself might help your youngster become more self-aware. Be flexible and allow them plenty of time to develop an activity that they enjoy. When your youngster draws a self-portrait, you'll get an insight into their own self-perception. If they dye their hair or skin a different color, inquire why they did so. Your youngster may have a clever and intelligent rationale for believing they have green skin, even if they don't genuinely believe it. Drawings In The Mood Of Music A person's feelings and self-expression are intimately linked to music. The music conveys a narrative or expresses emotion, and there is no right or wrong solution. Two pieces of music that do not have words are ideal for this task. Your youngster should have access to a variety of colors of either crayons or markers, as well as plain white paper. They will understand if you tell them you want them to listen to the music and sketch what they hear. Make It Easy for Them to Decide Adults don't typically take a moment to reflect on how many decisions they make for their children each day. Even while parents must make certain decisions and no kid should have total control over their day, giving children little or no chance to make their own decisions can lead to power conflicts, a lack of independence, and a lack of ability to solve problems on their own.