What is decision fatigue? How can you overcome it?

Are you tired of making so many choices throughout the day like ranging from what to wear to what is the best way to invest money? You might be experiencing decision fatigue. Read on to know more. Suppose you had a long and tiring day at work and in the evening before returning home, you suddenly remember that you were supposed to buy groceries. You need to buy the essentials because you know that you are out of them but still, you are moving from aisle to aisle without any success and are not able to decide on anything. Moreover, all this is making you even more fatigued. Yes, we know you are probably exhausted from all the madness at work but chances are that you are also experiencing decision fatigue. So, what is decision fatigue? Let us find out What is decision fatigue? As the name suggests, the immense exhaustion we experience mentally after making many decisions. That means the more decisions you have to make; it would be harder to make many other additional decisions. This can end up in two ways, either you would give up (like in the supermarket, you would come out empty-handed) or you would make irrelevant and ridiculous choices (now you understand what is a bag of jelly candy doing in place of veggies). So, how to avoid experiencing decision fatigue Make fewer decisionsby prioritizing the important ones first If you are someone who has to deal with many tricky decisions throughout the day, then try and prioritize the important ones first. Note down on things that need your reach a conclusionand out of them see which ones are most important. The visual representation would help you see clearly things and makes the process of deciding a bit simpler. Also, the mundane things such as what to wear and what to eat, try to set a schedule at the beginning of a week and follow it through so that you are not riddled with choices in the 11th hour. Put a time limit on all your decisions The trouble with the most complex and hard decisions is that we struggle with the fear of making a bad decision. Self-doubt keeps us on edge and does not let us decide anything. The best approach to this problem is to set a time limit on all your decisions. It would create pressure for you to decide and help you gain clarity. And lastly, breathe, relax and take it easy.