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From Skimming To Pacing, Check Out Seven Techniques That Can Help You Become A Speed Reader

Reading is an essential skill that helps gain access to information or knowledge. But how can one organise this process most efficiently and effectively?

Speed-reading involves a set of strategies and techniques that can assist individuals to read faster while maintaining comprehension and retaining knowledge from the material. These techniques are particularly useful for—professionals, students, and individuals who process heavy or large amounts of reading materials—to increase productivity and save time.

The techniques of speed-reading help bypass or optimise the surface processing stage to directly approach the profound stages. To finesse the art of speed reading, you have to master the following strategies, and we will tell you how.

Hand Pacing Technique

This quick and simple reading technique can enable individuals to maintain a balanced level of comprehension while reading faster. The hand pacing technique involves moving a pointer or the index finger below the sentence and across the page while reading. It will help boost your overall reading speed and attention to detail.

Skimming Technique

Skimming involves quickly examining the entire text to acquire a general idea or overview of the content and recognise key points or the central idea. All you have to do is—focus on the italicised or bold words, headings, and subheadings.

Skimming helps identify the key points or the main ideas and enables the reader to determine if the material needs to be studied more vigorously. This technique helps acquire an idea of the overall structure and content before plunging in.


Chunking involves fragmenting the reading material into more manageable and smaller modules and studying one section at once. This technique allows the reader to efficiently process the information, and improve understanding.

When “chunking,” you can use visual aids, headings, and subheadings to fragment the content into smaller logical sections. Do not forget to take breaks in between, allowing your brain the time required to analyse the information.

Reading in Reverse Technique

Start reading from the end of the material—gradually working your way backwards—to the introduction. It is known as the “reading in reverse” technique—which allows readers to rapidly recognise the overall structure and central theme of the content.

This technique works best for materials with logical progression or clear structure because it enables the reader to understand the outcome before working backwards following the steps. However, it is critical to note that reading in reverse is not advisable for all kinds of materials and may fail to deliver the same level of understanding.


The eliminating technique advises readers to actively skip or ignore specific sections of the material—such as redundant information or unnecessary details. It helps readers focus only on the important information and minimises the overall reading time.

Elimination becomes necessary when studying materials replete with extraneous or irrelevant information. Pay attention when eliminating because you would not want to overlook and omit important information.

Visualising Technique

Visualising involves conjuring up mental diagrams, visuals or images while reading—which can help better comprehend and retain information. This technique should be employed when studying materials replete with abstract or complex concepts because it permits the reader to develop a visual representation of the acquired information.

Previewing and Scanning

Previewing and scanning techniques are a lot like “skimming,” and they help hone your skills to instantly capture the main concept of the material. Employing these techniques, you can scan for names, numbers and keywords. Remember to go through lists, graphs, indexes, points, and subheadings. Examine these key elements before opting for in-depth reading.

We hope these techniques will help you finesse the art of speed-reading. Implement these techniques into your reading routine, and with little dedication and effort, you can reap all the benefits of speed reading.