Useful tips to deal with the stress of ‘workfromhome’

We all were forced to work from home during the last two years of the pandemic. Although it initially appeared appealing due to no travel, no dressing up and freedom, it soon began to be taxing due to unique challenges such as no structure, too many distractions and social isolation. Here are some useful tips to deal with the stress of working from home.

Plan and create a routine

You may be tempted to not follow a routine since you are working from home and it looks counterintuitive, but it’s important to plan and set a routine and not just work whenever you find the time. This may include marking the beginning and end of the day, having lunch at a fixed hour, and prioritising challenging tasks at the time when you feel you are most productive. Don’t forget to move around and spend some time in the fresh air.

Have a dedicated workspace

Working from home does not mean you can sit in the bed and work. You must create a dedicated workspace where you can solely focus on your work and are least interrupted by family and chores. When you create such work and home boundaries, you train your brain to shift from home to work life. And at the end of the day when you come out of that workspace, you will feel at home.

 Find ways to reduce distraction

When you are starting your work, make sure to put the phone on silent and turn off any unwanted notifications. If it helps you to be more productive, listen to music. Or try noise-cancelling headphones unless you don’t have small kids at home. Essentially you need to create a conducive environment where you are least distracted and are most productive.

Be connected

Working from home can at times be boring as you are alone neither, in-person interacting with your colleagues, nor friends. Take mini-breaks in the day and connect with your fellow working from home colleagues and friends. This will help you in bonding and also reduce stress.

Reward yourself

You should break down tasks into smaller steps and reward yourself when you complete them. This will keep you motivated; rewards may include, a positive affirmation, a well-deserved break, time off to talk to a friend or listening to your favourite track.

Also, working from home does not mean that you disturb your sleep pattern. Even though it may be tempting, don’t use the screen late at night.