Tips to Cope with Physical Office Post Pandemic

Returning to office post-pandemic might be jarring, but the woes are conquerable 


As psychologists have warned against probable emotional repercussions of returning to work willingly or out of compulsion, here is a list of ways that will help you to wade through the multifaceted challenges of re-joining physical workstation.


Set Boundaries


Applicable to both literal and metaphorical boundaries, this act of drawing a line will look after your physical and emotional welfare. If you sense that work or the atmosphere is burdening, distance yourself from both for a while till you are mentally equipped to re-adjust. It is okay to take breaks and meditate to keep your mind from wandering away or workspace blue from turning you into melancholic. When you are at it, be aware and respectful of your co-workers’ boundaries. Develop cognizance of their perspectives and limits to construct an equal and comfortable workspace for everyone.


TakeTime to Adjust


You should not be hurrying to integrate yourself into the old schedule when pandemics used to be the lore of previous century. It is normal to feel jittery and anxious at meetings, corporate gatherings and on the brink of presentations and deadlines after all you have been trained to combat and cope with a raging virus for months on end while restricted in confined spaces. You will need a couple of weeks to let go of that phase and unwire. The entire process can be challenging and time-consuming. You cannot be re-programmed overnight. Be easy on those deadlines and practice mindfulness and meditations to slowly resume working. 


Distance from Conflict


Interpersonal conflicts can take a toll on your physical and emotional health. As much as they are part of workspace, make sure to strategize and plan to steer clear of such issues that wreak havoc on the tenacity and motivation to continue. Once you are back to the office premises, first nurture yourself to assure that you are capable of performing your best without putting a strain on health. Once you incorporate mindfulness, you will gather the strength required to de-escalate a conflict. Perhaps by becoming a better listener, encouraging collaboration and teamwork and consciously staying away from negative energy, you can embrace peace conducive to work and health. 


Maintain Hygiene 


Implement and encouraging others to maintain hygiene is mandatory when you are re-joining office ditching the comfort cocoon of your house. Hygiene policies should definitely be incorporated into HR rules and regulations and made obligatory for all. Maintaining cleanliness is perhaps the first step to ease the transition from personal silos to working together with tension and paranoia highly palpable in the air.