Tips for Designing Hybrid Office

Building an exclusive space that works

A methodical guide to design a safe cocoon for your employees to work—remote and onsite. Try Open Spaces Open workstations provide a unique opportunity to streamline and optimise communication, productivity and flexibility. It aspires to blur boundaries and barriers to enhance teamwork and brainstorming sessions, collaboration and free flow of information. The layouts turn office space into a hub of productive collaboration, positive energy. You are more encouraged to establish direct communication instead of depending on hierarchies or technology. Such layout plans are pretty instrumental in facilitating creativity—a far cry during such a raging pandemic when half of the office is forced to work from remote silos. Open spaces are a better alternative especially when you are trying to adhere to social distancing and hygiene norms, allow physical and mental space to employees and stimulate a sense of connectivity. Design with Fluidity Doing away with rigid contacts while renting a space helps you adapt to the changing scenario without letting go of innovation and organizational culture. In the post-pandemic physical workspace, the floor plan changes according to time. Companies have agreed to an arrangement where the same room hosts meetings in the morning and lunch parties at the designated hour. Try for shorter lease terms and navigate according to the evolving business requirements. Pop-ups are not really a bad idea especially if you are yet to be a pro in implanting a hybrid workspace. Clear Policies and Guidelines Well construed HR policies demonstrate the sincerity and responsibility of employers in assuring an office space that is conducive to work without wreaking havoc on mental health. This is where policies on performance, engagement, absence, employee welfare and other indicators step in. Interweave the Digital and Physical While bridging the gulf between physical and remote workspace and striking a balance between the two separate worlds might be challenging, the goal should be to digitalise office space without compromising on the physical touch of objects. The trick is in assorting analogue products and tangible physical objects to enhance engagement and equity. To prevent brainstorming sessions for people on both sides of the camera from dwindling, employers should be mindful of the office paraphernalia used to reduce the feeling of alienation among employees. On this note, it is also indispensable to assure that all employees and participants are equipped with ample resources without discrimination. In hybrid offices, the goal should be to facilitate seamless work experience for people on both sides.