Published By: Sanjukta

The world's most cat-friendly city and everything you need to know about this cat-communal

Are you even a cat-lover if Istanbul isn’t on your bucket list?

If you’re a cat lover, Istanbul should be at the top of your travel list. This vibrant city is renowned for its unique and heartwarming relationship with cats. From pampered street felines to historical cat sanctuaries, Istanbul is a paradise for cat enthusiasts. Let’s dive into what makes this city the ultimate feline-friendly destination.

A City Where Cats Rule

Imagine a city where cats roam freely and are treated like royalty by its residents. That’s Istanbul for you! The local term for these beloved street cats is "kedi," and they are considered a cherished part of the community. Cats can be found lounging in cafes, patrolling markets, and even napping in ancient ruins. It’s like a real-life cat utopia!

Cats have held a special place in Turkish culture for centuries. Back in the day, during the Ottoman Empire, cats were the VIPs for keeping the city's grain stores free from pesky rats and mice. Today, they’re seen as symbols of good luck and guardians of the home. How cool is that? These furry protectors are woven into the very fabric of Istanbul’s history.

Cat Sanctuaries and Hotspots

The Cat House at Hagia Sophia

One of the most iconic spots for cat lovers in Istanbul is the Hagia Sophia, an ancient basilica-turned- museum. Here, you’ll find the famous cat named Gli, who became an internet sensation for her regal presence and photogenic charm. Gli represents the numerous cats that call this historic site home. Visitors often spot cats lounging around the majestic structure, adding a charming touch to the historical ambiance.

The Cihangir Cat Park

Cihangir, a trendy neighborhood in Istanbul, is known for its cat-friendly vibe. The Cihangir Cat Park is a dedicated space where cats can roam safely, and locals and tourists alike can interact with them. The park is maintained by volunteers who ensure the cats are well-fed and cared for. It’s a serene spot where you can relax and enjoy the company of friendly felines, making it a must-visit for any cat lover.

Cat Shelters and Cafes

Istanbul is home to several cat cafes and shelters where you can enjoy a cup of Turkish tea while playing with friendly felines. The famous Kedi Kedi Cat Cafe is a perfect example, offering a cozy environment where you can sip coffee and make new furry friends. These cafes often work with local shelters to promote adoption and provide care for stray cats, making them not only fun but also beneficial for the local feline population.

Community Care

One of the most heartwarming aspects of Istanbul’s cat culture is the community’s commitment to caring for its feline residents. It’s common to see bowls of food and water left out for street cats, and many neighborhoods have volunteer-run feeding stations and shelters. Locals take pride in ensuring that their furry neighbors are healthy and happy. This communal care system is a testament to the deep-rooted bond between Istanbul’s residents and their beloved street cats.

Must-Visit Cat Spots

Kadıköy Market

This bustling market on the Asian side of Istanbul is not only a great place to shop but also a haven for cats. Vendors and shoppers alike show their affection for the local felines, making it a delightful spot for cat lovers. The market's vibrant atmosphere, combined with the presence of numerous friendly cats, creates a unique shopping experience.

Galata Tower Area

The historic Galata Tower and its surrounding streets are home to many friendly cats. As you explore this picturesque area, you’ll likely make a few furry friends. The narrow, winding streets and quaint cafes provide perfect spots for cats to bask in the sun, adding to the area's charm.

Istanbul’s Coastal Areas

The city's waterfront areas, such as Ortaköy and Bebek, are perfect for a leisurely stroll with plenty of opportunities to spot and interact with cats. These scenic spots not only offer beautiful views of the Bosphorus but are also populated with friendly felines who enjoy the coastal breeze and the company of passersby.


This colorful neighborhood is not just great for Instagram photos, but also for spotting numerous street cats basking in the sun. The vibrant houses and cobblestone streets provide a picturesque backdrop for cat watching, making Balat a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Cat Culture in Art and Literature

Istanbul's love for cats extends deeply into its art and literature. Cats are frequently depicted in Turkish poetry, paintings, and folklore, reflecting their significant place in the cultural heritage.

Famous Turkish Paintings and Art

"The Tortoise Trainer" by Osman Hamdi Bey

This famous painting from the late Ottoman period features a man training tortoises, but in many of Bey's works, cats appear subtly in the background, reflecting their place in Turkish daily life.

Zeki Faik İzer's Works

This Turkish artist often incorporated cats into his vibrant and modernist paintings, capturing their playful and enigmatic nature.

Turkish Miniature Paintings

In many Ottoman miniature paintings, cats are subtly included in scenes depicting everyday life and palace intrigues, showcasing their presence and importance.

Tips for Cat Lovers Visiting Istanbul

Respect Boundaries

While most cats in Istanbul are friendly, it's important to respect their space and approach them gently.

Bring Treats

Carry some cat treats in your bag. You’ll make instant friends!

Support Local Shelters

Consider visiting and donating to local cat shelters. Many organizations rely on donations to continue their vital work.