Published By: Soham Halder

The Origins Of Dinosaurs? THIS Prehistoric Reptile Fossil Discovered In Brazil May Have The Answer

Gondwanax paraisensis, the reptile fossil discovered in Southern Brazil, is believed to date back over 237 million years ago.

The origin of dinosaurs is a subject that has intrigued scientists and researchers for a long. Various theories and research studies try to trace how the ancient giants came to the Earth some 200-250 million years ago. It's widely believed that dinosaurs evolved during the Triassic period, from small and four-legged reptiles called dinosauromorphs. However, a recently discovered reptile fossil provides us with a new perspective on the topic.

The paleontologists have discovered around 45 new dinosaur species every year since 2003, according to National Geographic

Scientists have discovered a 237-million-year-old reptile fossil, which is one of the world's oldest fossils on record. Named Gondwanax paraisensis, the reptile species was four-legged, roughly one meter (39 inches) long, and weighed between three and six kilograms (7 to 13 pounds). They lived in what is today southern Brazil when Earth’s climate was much hotter. According to paleontologists, it belonged to the silesaurid family, an extinct group of reptiles that could be a precursor to the dinosaurs.

The fossil is currently being studied extensively and is expected to reshape our understanding of how dinosaurs originated.

The Discovery & The Study

Actually, according to a report by CBC News, the fossil was first found in 2014 by physician Pedro Lucas Porcela Aurelio in the town of Paraiso do Sul in Brazil's southernmost Rio Grande do Sul state. He donated it to the local university, paving the way for extensive research on it.

After years of research, scientists at the Federal University of Santa Maria discovered that the fossil dates back to the Triassic period when many modern animal groups such as mammals, turtles, and crocodiles roamed. Paleontologist Rodrigo Temp Müller recently published their study in the journal Gondwana Research.

Müller mentioned in his study that the remains, when found, were covered by a thick layer of rock, with only parts of the vertebrae being visible. And he noted that thanks to its age, the fossil could be direct ancestors of the dinosaurs. In his words, "The most important part of this finding is its age. Because it's so old, it gives us clues as to how dinosaurs came to be."


(Credit: Science In 60 Mins)

Notably, 'Gondwanax' means "lord of Gondwana," referring to the supercontinent Pangaea's southern region, the Gondwana landmass. 'Paraisensis' honors the town near the fossil site, Paraiso do Sul.


(Credit: Mario Nawfal)

The Evolution of Dinosaurs

It's believed that the dinosaurs emerged between 240 million and 230 million years ago and dominated the world until about 66 million years ago.

During the late Triassic period, dinosaurs appeared mostly as small reptiles. By the Jurassic period, they developed into several forms, including the massive giants that we usually refer to. And they inhabited various ecosystems, from deserts to forests.

As already mentioned, the exact origin and timing of the dinosaurs' evolution is still yet to be understood. However, one of the oldest unequivocal dinosaur fossils is from Ischigualasto Provincial Park in northwestern Argentina and includes the genuses Herrerasaurus, Eoraptor, and Eodromaeus. Nyasasaurus, a genus found in Tanzania, is also believed to be an ancestor of the dinosaurs. However, Gondwanax paraisensis could be the answer that scientists have been looking for.

Let's wait for further updates on the research.