Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear. -Franklin Roosevelt. Desmond Doss. When Desmond Doss was drafted in the second world war, he was not sure how he was going to fare in the war as his religion forbid him to take someone’s life or even carry a gun. So, he was a non-combatant and often became the subject of laughter and ridicule amongst other soldiers. When he was assigned the duty of field medic in Okinawa, Japanese attacked, almost every one of his unit were on the cliff. Doss rigged up a stretcher to the ground below and saved soldiers of his unit one at a time. He achieved this heroic feat amidst an attack and saved almost 75 men. He was awarded the Medal of Honour, celebrating the soldier who showed the true spirit of courage and hope in the most ruthless war in history. Irene Sandler. One of the unsung heroes of the Holocaust, whose selfless act stands out and would be remembered by generations ahead. She was working as a social worker when Nazis stormed through her native Poland and started rounding up Jews in a Ghetto. Seeing this, Irene managed to get credentials as a nurse and sneaked in food and medicines in the Ghetto. But what is did next is unthinkable and exemplary. She managed to sneak out more than 2500 children out of the Ghetto in burlap sacks in the bottom of her trunk or the bottom of her toolbox. She sends them to kind Christian orphanages where they were given new names, and she hid their true identities. Thoughshe was caught and tortured by Nazis, but after the war, she fully devoted herself to the task of reuniting these children with their families. Neerja Bhanot. When Pan Am flight no 73 which was destined for Frankfurt and New York, was hijacked in Karachi, head Purser Neerja Bhanot, showed exceptional courage and grit.She alerted the cockpit crew and manage to let them escape. When the terrorists asked for American passengers, she hid their passports, thus saving their life. In the end, when terrorists opened fire, she was killed, shielding children from the fire. And thus, she was immortalized by her act of sheer courage at the mere age of 23. Let’s celebrate these brave souls whose courage in difficult situations is exemplary.