Published By: Admin

Siamese cats: Lets talk about these little meezer’s

From striking blue eyes to svelte bodies, this cat breed is a real people lover and a social butterfly

With their slender, elegant frames and piercing blue eyes, Siamese cats are as captivating to look at as they are human lovers. Renowned for their striking appearance and sociable demeanor, these feline beauties have a rich history steeped in regal origins and cultural significance.

Originating from the ancient kingdom of Siam, now known as Thailand, Siamese cats were cherished by royalty for their exquisite beauty and loyal companionship. In 1880, their allure spread beyond the palace walls when the King of Siam gifted pairs of these enchanting felines to the English consul-general in Bangkok, igniting a craze for "Oriental" cats across Europe.

The Siamese's journey to fame reached new heights when they made their debut on the London scene, captivating audiences with their sleek bodies and mesmerizing blue eyes. Soon, they became the talk of the town. Yet, it wasn't just their aesthetic appeal that won hearts; Siamese cats quickly endeared themselves to their human companions with their affectionate and sociable nature.

Here are some interesting facts about Siamese cats

Allure of striking features

With their lithe bodies, mesmerizing baby blue eyes, and coats boasting shades of seal, chocolate, blue, or lilac, Siamese cats are the epitome of feline elegance. Their darker facial markings add an enchanting allure to their already captivating appearance.

Curious minds and intelligent

Intelligent and inquisitive, Siamese cats are more than just pretty faces. They're eager learners, mastering tricks like fetch and even venturing into the world on a leash. Their knack for exploration ensures there's never a dull moment with these clever kitties around.

Temperature-activated coat

A Siamese cat's coat is not just a work of art; it's also a marvel of science! Their distinctive color points develop based on temperature, resulting in a unique pattern that's both beautiful and temperature-sensitive.

Siamese Cats: Once royalty's feline favorites

Long before the era of cat memes, Siamese cats were revered as regal companions by the royal families of Thailand. Admired for their stunning appearance, these cats were believed to inherit the souls of departed royals, earning them a place of honor within palace walls.

Siamese Cats in the White House

The Siamese cat's journey to America took a prestigious turn in the late 1800s when a feline named Siam found a new home in the White House. Lucy Hayes, wife of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes, received this esteemed gift from a Thai diplomat, marking the breed's introduction to American high society.


When it comes to expressing themselves, Siamese cats are anything but reserved. With opinions on just about everything, these talkative felines are known for their vocal nature, filling the air with meows and observations throughout the day.

Siamese cats on the Big Screen

From the silver screen to the laps of moviegoers, Siamese cats have charmed audiences worldwide. Their on-screen appearances in beloved films like Lady and the Tramp, That Darn Cat!, and The Incredible Journey have cemented their status as Hollywood's go-to feline stars.

Record-breaking Siamese litters

In the realm of feline feats, Siamese cats have left their mark on the record books. In 1970, a remarkable Burmese/Siamese mix astonished the world by giving birth to an astounding litter of 19 kittens, earning a place in history as the largest litter of domestic kittens ever recorded.

Siamese cats do like to be alone

Siamese cats are often adopted as twins because they do not like to be left alone for long. often getting anxious and indulging in destructive behaviour if left alone for too long. They also tend to have a favourite human and are dedicated to loving their humans. With characteristic that’s anti hyper independent, Siamese cats also tend to get jealous and loves getting attention.