Published By: Satavisha

Seven Loving Gestures You Can Use To Express Affection and Care To Your Dog

Improve your bond by expressing love through simple affectionate gestures that can make every dog’s tail wag.

Dogs are not just our best friends, they are family, too—showering us with unconditional love and a lifetime’s companionship. In return for the love you receive from your dog (or any dog, even strays), it is essential to show them how much you appreciate their loyalty and affection. Whether you have become a dog parent recently or have been enjoying your furry buddy’s company for many years, discovering new gestures to express your fondness for them can deepen your connection and boost your dog’s happiness.

Use Lots of Facial Expressions

The simplest way of expressing love to your dog involves making a happy face. Our furry buddies are empathetic creatures and can sense our emotions. When they raise their brows seeing you—it conveys—they are delighted to see you. So, smiling and raising your brows can show you are happy to see them, too. Sensing your cheerfulness can help them determine that you are in a pleasant and relaxed mood. Therefore, when greeting your dog, use plenty of facial expressions to show them how much they matter to you.

Talk to Them

People who don’t own dogs may think you are crazy, but talking to your four-legged buddy can make them feel loved. Studies have revealed that dogs can process language just the way humans do. The left side of the brain helps them understand what we are saying, while the other side processes how the words are spoken (basically, tone). Therefore, talking to them in an upbeat and cheerful tone can excite them.

Sleep Together

When your pup lies down to rest by your side, they identify you as a member of their ‘pack’. It indicates that they feel secure in your presence. So, do not push them away; let them lie next to you–hug and cuddle them. Nothing can match the joy of snuggling with your dog. So, cherish these moments.

Look into their Eyes

Gazing into your dog’s beautiful peepers will express your love for them, and can boost their mood. While dogs can boost oxytocin (a happy hormone) in humans, this simple eye-to-eye interaction can surge the production of this feel-good hormone in dogs, too!

Remember, the longer you gaze, the greater the release. However, this ‘eye contact’ technique should be tried only on dogs you are familiar with.

Rub their Ears

Physical affection can initiate oxytocin release in dogs. Their ears are characterised by countless feeling receptors—so rubbing them gently can induce comfort and joy. Petting or stroking any part of a dog’s body conveys affection, and it helps maintain a loving connection with them.

Take them for Walks

Your four-legged walking pal will never refuse to go out and breathe in fresh air—every opportunity to step outdoors can delight them. Taking them out for a walk has many fitness and health benefits. Apart from the health aspect—going out for a stroll with your dog can allow you to spend quality time with them.

Carve out time from your busy schedule to enjoy some valuable bonding sessions, out in the park or garden. It is critical to note that dogs follow a routine—so make sure you dedicate a consistent schedule to go for a walk.

Celebrate Every Milestone

You must celebrate your furry friend’s every milestone—birthdays, successful training achievements, adoption anniversaries and more—to significantly strengthen your connection by acknowledging and appreciating their loving presence in your life. These celebrations will cheer your four-legged companion and create some fantastic memories together.

Spoil your pups with immense love because they deserve it.