Most of us love beautiful plants around us, especially when they have flowers in them.
Many people have gardening as their habit and they love plants in their gardens and take utmost care of them. But nature is full of surprises and there are some species of plants you definitely won’t like in your courtyard. Most of us must have heard about carnivorous plants that derive most of their nutrients by trapping small insects. Apart from these carnivorous plants, there are many weird plants with strange characteristics that will blow your mind away.
Also known as insectivorous plants, there are about 700 species of known carnivorous plants across the world that sustain themselves by capturing and digesting insects by trapping them. There is a carnivorous plant known as the Pitcher Plant which can even digest amphibians as big as frogs. There are various ways in which these carnivorous plants trap insects. Pitfall trap is the most common type of trap which has a deep, lidded leaf filled with liquid to submissively trap and digest prey. Other types of traps are flypaper traps, snap traps, bladder traps, lobster-pot traps, etc.
The Rafflesia Flower is found only in Malaysia and it’s the largest flower in the world. It can exceed up to three feet in diameter and weighs around 9 kilograms. Apart from its size, its smell is what makes it a weird plant. Despite looking beautiful and being the largest flower, you won’t like it to be a part of your home garden mostly because it smells very bad. It emits a repulsive smell that is similar to the odor of rotten meat. Because of this, it’s also known as the ‘corpse flower’. It’s also a parasitical flower and its existence depends on the host plant, mostly trees. It is named after Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of the British colony in Singapore.
The Bleeding Heart is found in Siberia, Northern China, Korea, and Japan. It looks very beautiful because of its heart-shaped petals and its color which is pink with white tips. It grows mostly in dense forests and reaches a height and width of 2 to 3 feet. It grows nicely in partial shade in well-drained moist soils. These plants bloom in springtime. Apart from Bleeding Heart, it has other names also such as Lamprocapnos Spectabilis, fallopian buds, and Asian bleeding heart.