Published By: Soham Halder

Science & Space Roundup: Top News of the Day (Sept 26)

Here are today’s most important updates from the realm of Science and Space.

Martian Marvel: NASA's Rover Spots Unusual ‘Zebra Rock’ Formation

NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover discovered a peculiar "zebra rock" on Mars' Jezero crater. What grabbed the attention is previously no rock was observed like this on the Red Planet. NASA, while sharing about the findings and its potential mentioned: “This could be a sign of exciting discoveries to come. This possibility has us excited, and we hope that as we continue to drive uphill, Perseverance will encounter an outcrop of this new rock type so that more detailed measurements can be acquired.”

The rock, dubbed as "Freya Castle" are believed to be igneous and/or metamorphic processes creating its stripes.

When Saturn Meets the Moon: Incredible Video Captures the Majestic Moment

(Credit - X/@AJamesMcCarthy)

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a breathtaking video of Saturn emerging from behind the Moon. The black-and-white clip has captivated stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts for such a rare glimpse of two iconic celestial bodies. The footage was captured using an infrared filter, enhancing the dramatic nature of the event. The event of one celestial body passing in front of another from an observer's perspective is known as Occultation. It's relatively a rare event. These observations help astronomers to get valuable insights about the movements and other characteristics of celestial objects.

A Chilling Reality: Arctic Ice Shrinks by 77,800 Km² Every Year as Earth Heats Up

The Arctic sea ice reached its annual minimum extent on September 11, 2024, indicating a significant ice loss. As per NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the minimum extent of 2024 was 4.28 million square kilometers. This year also follows the decades-long trend of shrinking and thinning ice cover in the Arctic Ocean region. “The loss of sea ice has been occurring at a rate of about 77,800 square kilometers per year,” according to NSIDC data.

NASA satellites have measured that central Arctic sea ice thickness has reduced from 2.7 meters in 1980 to around 1.3 meters in 2024. The situation in the Antarctic is equally concerning.

Behind the Slaps: Slap Fighting’s Alarming Link to Brain Injuries

(Credit - X/@Rainmaker1973)

A recent study conducted by a team of neurologists has raised concerns regarding the dangers of professional slap fighting. It is associated with high risks of concussions. Slap fighting involves two contestants taking turns slapping each other with full force. A neurologist, Nikolas Evangelou, warned that slap fighting is a “recipe for disaster.” After reviewing footage from the fighting competition, doctors concluded that the sport may pose a higher risk of trauma and neurological damage.

Lead researcher Raj Swaroop Lavadi told banning this fighting may be difficult, the goal is now to raise more awareness and improve safety standards for participants.