These vibrant and versatile orange coloured gourd promote overall well-being.
Do you know that pumpkin is not a vegetable? Surprised? Let me tell you, it's scientifically true. As pumpkins have seeds, they are categorised as fruits, however, they are consumed much like vegetables across India. In this article, we will discuss remarkable health benefits of pumpkin and uncover delicious recipes to enjoy this superfood.
One cup of properly cooked pumpkin (approximately 245 grams) provides 49 calories energy, 2 g protein, 12 g carbohydrates, 3 g dietary fiber, Vitamin A (245% of RDI), Vitamin C (19% of the RDI), Potassium (16% of RDI), Copper (11% of RDI), Manganese (11% of the RDI), Vitamin B2 (11% of RDI), Vitamin E (10% of RDI), Iron (8% of RDI), along with magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and folate in trace quantities. Here RDI stands for Reference Daily Intake.
From enhancing immunity to promoting heart health, the advantages of pumpkin consumption are simply impressive.
Harvest Antioxidants: Free radicals produced through metabolic process, are highly unstable with negative impacts on the body as oxidative stress. High levels of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin in pumpkin neutralize those free radicals to protect your body from chronic illnesses. Regular consumption of pumpkin strengthens your immunity and help fight against infections. High carotenoids content also protect against certain types of cancers.
Golden Vision: Abundance of Vitamin A, Lutein and Zeaxanthin protect your eyesight at any age. Eating sufficient quantities of pumpkin can prevent your eyesight from unwanted disease and risks of blindness. The phytochemicals also lower the risks of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.
Slim & Satisfying: High nutrient density along with low calorie content are essential for weight loss. Pumpkin provides exactly the same. Simply put, pumpkin is your go-to food to complement weight-loss programs. Due to high fiber content, it also reduces your appetite.
Go Orange for a Stronger Heart: High concentration of Vitamin C and potassium improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure. A recent study has confirmed that pumpkin consumption is linked to reduced stroke rate due to its bad cholesterol lowering properties.
Nourish Your Skin: Vitamin C, essential for collagen formation is found in abundance in pumpkin. Additionally, pumpkin provides beta-carotene which is a natural sunblock and prevent our skin from harmful UV rays. Further support is provided by lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin E.
From savoury soups to homemade sweet treats, there are some exciting and easily cooked pumpkin recipes. Traditionally, flavourful and delicious pumpkin curry is consumed with rice or roti in India.
(Credit - Insta/@rajshrifood)
It's probably one of the most preferred meat-free recipes with numerous additional health benefits (gluten free). For variety, you can prepare tasty pumpkin pasta, spiced pumpkin cake, spicy pumpkin soup, homemade muffins from pumpkin, pumpkin stew, cake-like pumpkin bread, vegan pumpkin soup, and pumpkin pickle. In several parts of India, pumpkin biriyani is also famous.
Despite enormous health benefits, pumpkin-based junk foods like lattés, candies or pie fillings contain high artificial sugar reducing postive impacts, so avoid them.