Reasons why bringing pets to the workplace is a great idea

This may sound counterintuitive, but bringing a pet to work is actually a good idea! Companies from Google to Ben & Jerry's allow employees to bring their pets to work. Let’s find out how they can improve your prospects at the workplace.  They are stress busters. We all know that many work environments tend to be stress hotspots, owing to deadlines, peer pressure and client demands. Your four-legged furry friends can be an antidote to all of these stress points. There are studies that have proved that such interspecies interaction in astressful environment can decrease stress levels significantly! They truly are ‘best friends at the office’.  They help in relationship building. In an office environment, you work and mingle with few colleagues regularly. You can’t get along with everyone, neither you will connect well with associating with all. Pets work wonder here! Your pet can help you break the ice and strike a conversation or create a bond with fellow colleagues.  They encourage breaks. Not taking a break while working and continuous screen time can cause burnout. Having a dog at work pushes the owner to leave the seat and take it for a walk many times a day. Although it might sound counterintuitive, this actually is seen to boost workplace productivity. Sustained mental effort leads to mental fatigue and stress. Occasional breaks promote creativity and boost focus!  They make human friends more flexible. When you bring your petto work, you can have slightly flexible schedules. Since the pet is with you at work and you are tending to it throughout the day along with work, you don’t have to rush back home to an alone dog or cat. You can stay longer on that demanding day and work effectively.  They create and enhance the happiness quotient. An excited and welcoming pet along your desk can bring a smile to any client, colleague, customer orvisitor. People are generally friendlier and more relaxed with a pet around. A pet-friendly workplace can also enhance employee centricity and build a much-relaxed environment.  They take care of pests for free. Your pet can work in favour of your company by eliminating pests like rats, lizards and more that can prove havoc otherwise in the office environment. This saves the office from the disruption of shutting down for the pest control activity. No more chemical sprays are needed. By now, you would be convinced of the benefits to bring a pet to work. Go ahead and convince your organization about the benefits of having a pet at work.