Think from a social perspective
If we logically think that which class of people is the main driving force of this society, we definitely get an answer, that is "Working class". Of course, I'm not underestimating the role of white-collar labourers or high ranking staff. However, it has to be admitted that those who are leading the society by their hand every day, they are almost 80% of our society.They are working people. Many of us think of them as inferior because they are poor or deprived of social status. But we need to remember that our world is useless without them.
We Shouldn't Underestimate Their Contribution to Society : Can you show me something around us that is not made by any working class? Even the mobile or laptop you are reading this blog is not made by thousands of working-class people !
Of course, these things are technically planned by some educated scientists. But if a large number of people were not willing to give up their labor, could these reach your hands? The branded clothing that you wear every day and go out, is the result of a large number of labourer's hard work !
It is the duty of every human being to respect them. It is not wrong to be grateful to the peddler who feeds you snacks every day or to the sweeper who keeps your street clean.
We Should Always Try to Help Them : Helping people in danger is a common human religion which must be observed. So if your house servant, driver or the vegetable seller you buy vegetables every day, if they ever fall into a crisis then you should come forward for help. You just have to be more frank and generous with them as you do with others. Then,they will not hesitate to tell you about their problems.
They are Exploited and Helpless, We Should Talk on Their Behalf : Many of us are enjoying the part of the surplus they deserve.They are not getting a fair price for their labor.That is why they are going to be poor. Marxism has mathematically proved this. If you are not a believer in these words, you can see some examples of it by observing the real situation of the society every day. Who makes biryani in a renowned hotel or who delivers that biryani home to home, can they really afford to buy that expensive biryani? Everyone knows the answer to this question. So, wherever there is inequality and injustice over them, we should ask questions on their behalf.