Follow Your Mind Versus Your Heart: What Should You Do To Experience More Success At Work?

Our minds and hearts would be on the same page about all our crucial life decisions in a perfect world. They would agree on whom to date, what to have for lunch, and what career to pursue. Unfortunately, there are too many instances where the mind and heart desire completely different things and for different reasons. But following your heart is about intuition, and it sometimes conflicts with the significance of making rational decisions. So what should you be following to experience more success at work? Read on to find out how to make clear decisions. Pros of following your heart Following your heart may lead you to several opportunities that may otherwise be missed if you choose to follow your mind. Following the heart usually involves choosing to decide without thinking of the possible consequences, enabling you to enjoy opportunities that may be missed if you take your time and think more rationally. Pros of letting your mind lead the way There is often a lesser risk in making decisions that are led by your mind. This is because the mind always analyzes the pros and cons, considers the potential consequences and repercussions, and gathers a logical perspective. Individuals who are averse to risks prefer letting their minds make decisions putting them at more ease. Weighing the benefits and losses often results in making better-informed choices that might help you in the long run. Emotion versus Cognition Not everyone likes to embrace the clichéd advice of following the heart, especially when it comes to making career choices. Depending on one's career field or industry, some employees tend to think more analytically about their choices, while others prefer to follow their instinct. What happens when you follow your heart If you are self-aware, deciding to follow your heart will help you bag desirable jobs. Those who follow their heart to make their career choices tend to be more satisfied with their job. What happens when you follow your mind Following your mind may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart may increase your chances of regret, so if you want a more satisfying life, listen to your heart. The ground between following your heart and your mind The ultimate secret to a successful career is to acquire a balance between following your mind and following your heart. It is quite a challenge but will yield well-informed decisions that can make you happy. It is better to use the benefits from both the heart and mind to mitigate the chances of failure at work.