Five Promising Career Choices To Pursue Your Creative Streak

Would you like to work in an unstructured environment that offers you room to come up with novel ideas? If your Analytical Left Brain is not as dominant as your Creative Right Brain, you prefer working with creative skills rather than analytical skills. However, with the emergence of new business innovations, the advancement of organizations and their employees largely depends on the ability to act and think creatively. Here is a list of a wide array of promising careers that will enable you to use your creative skills while earning well! Photography Photography is a field that will enable you to create visual art and also share your perspective by capturing moments. If you have a knack for clicking photos and if your photos are making other people think, then with little formal training, you can dive right into professional photography. Today photography offers abundant specializations and career opportunities, such as fashion photography, lifestyle photography, wildlife photography, food photography, and so on. Architecture Architects utilize their knowledge of cultural aesthetics, structures, and creativity to erect and design buildings around us. A degree in Architecture can open prospects for you to work as an Urban Planner, specializing in planning layouts of cities and towns. You may also work as a Restoration Architect, specializing in conserving and renovating historical structures and monuments. Writer or author As an author or a writer, you can make a good living by conveying information, facts, and stories to readers through prose published in guides, books, manuals, magazines, plays, movies, television scripts, novels, and blogs. A bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, or English can help you acquire salaried positions. You may even find your way into the writing industry through self-publishing content, internships, and blogs too. Film-making A filmmaker is often viewed as a visionary, a storyteller. The skills and knowledge gained in this field will enable you to work for television channels, film production companies, advertising agencies, produce independent films, theatre, and documentaries. In short, the job of a filmmaker involves everything from casting, translating scripts to editing, directing, budgeting, screening, and more. Automobile design Specialization in an automobile company's design sector will prepare you to work in automotive firms' research and development segment. The automobile industry's design sector is rapidly expanding as consumers are constantly searching for innovative technology and new designs in their vehicles. So, if you possess a creative mind, it is time for you to validate your skills and figure out a creative career that will best suit you.