Expert Safety Tips For Solo Female Travellers

5 expert instructions for solo female travellers We all love to travel. But the joy of travelling together with family or friends is one thing, but the happiness and satisfaction of solo travelling are way different. Nowadays, many people, regardless of men or women, prefer to travel solo. There are a few important tips the ladies should keep in mind while travelling solo. So the pleasure and experience of individual navigation do not get ruined by some unwanted or unpleasant circumstances. Do your research Do thorough research of a new place before you visit. Find out how 'Women Friendly' the environment, social conditions and cultural customs of the place are. Take care of your urgent paperwork. When travelling alone, be sure to carry important documents, including your identity card, Aadhaar card, current vaccine certificate, credit card and ATM card. Take care of all the papers, including your identity proof, carefully. If any of the papers get lost, you will get in a lot of trouble while travelling. Be extra careful about your own safety. Solo female travellers should be extremely careful about their own safety. Find out the details of the hotel or homestay you are staying in before booking. It is best not to take any food or drink from strangers while travelling. Always keep your mobile phone charged. Carry a power bank and charger with you. Most importantly, when going out alone, women should always carry some 'Emergency Self Defence Tool' like paper spray or knives with them in the bag. Do not panic Don't panic if you get in any trouble or lose your way while walking alone; in these situations, always consult with local people. Even if you are scared, don't let anyone else understand. Your difficulties will only increase if strangers can sense your fear. Try to act normal and patient. If you ever feel you are lost or can not find the right way out, don't get hyper. Try to find the right direction by using a Google map or roadmap. If necessary, do not shy away from asking for help from friends or family. Always keep your phone with you and make a normal call or video call whenever needed. Enjoy your trip When you travel alone, you can go around as you like. You get to know new people, visit different places, make new friends and gather brand-new experiences! Some of it will be very good; some will be a little less good. But whatever it is, enjoy the whole experience to the fullest. All kinds of experiences are needed in life. Take the bad experiences of solo trips as learning lessons for future adventures and keep the good ones in your heart as beautiful reminiscences.