Published By: Admin

Interested in wildlife? 7 reasons why Masaimara is your ultimate destination

Are you a wildlife enthusiast, keen  to experience safari adventures? If you find yourself nodding to the above question, then Masaimara- the second largest game park based in, Kenya, Africa is the ultimate destination for you! It is probably one which is not easy on the the pocket,but it is something which will create such worthy memories , and will transform your understanding of the world- so much so that it is worth the investment. Here are some reasons why you should definitely make a trip at-least once in your lifetime!  

Big five, and so many more !

The variety of animals visible in Masaimara are staggering! Along with the big 5 which encompass leopards, lions, rhinoceros, Cape Buffalos  and elephants, there are a wide range of other animals, which are everywhere! These include wild beast, cheetahs, ostriches, giraffes, and tonnes and tonnes of zebras. Every ten minutes that you travel, chances of encountering a zebra or a herd of zebras is high! Other than that, there are hippos, crocodiles, hyenas, deers and pumbas! The list can go on and on, extending into many different types of birds and insects. As you go along, the possibilities are endless. One begins to feel connected to nature in a different and unique way!

An Unforseen Landscape !

One of the best things about Masai-mara, is the landscape! Placed amongst vast grasslands, the animals are easily distinguishable. They are visible easily,as compared to  in thick rainforests. It gives you a feeling of wilderness, and is simply thrilling to witness!

Excellent Coordination-Animals Guaranteed!

What is also reassuring about visiting Masaimara, is the constant coordination amongst jeep drivers, driving in Masaimara. As a result, all the people driving in Masaimara are online on the radio. A sighting of an animal by one, is reported on this radio, and that way you are ensured of exciting sights, and coming across them!

The Best is Always Yet to Come!

This is the best thing! One thing about Masaimara is, that you can end up going for 2-3 safaris  in one trip, without it ever getting monotonous! Not only is the vast landscape breathtaking,  even with regard to animals, just when you think you have seen everything, something else is waiting for you around the corner which enhances your entire experience and makes it even more exciting!

Picnicking in the wild !

One of the things that cap the ultimate experience and takes it to a new level of amazing, is the fact that a lot of tours, involve a lunch-picnic in the wild. There is a point when you get off the jeep and sit and eat a packed lunch. Eating in the wild grasslands, surrounded by zebras and lions , gazing at the view is definitely another level of thrill!

Truly wild !

Seeing these animals standing alongside each other  in one landscape is probably an experience which doesn’t happen very often. You will come across views, where elephants stand alongside zebras, or deers, zebras, wild beasts and hyenas are all on the same field! These mesmerizing sights make you connect with nature and want to gaze forever!

Makes for amazing photographs

If you are somebody interested in photography, or someone interested in updating your instagram story, Masaimara is definitely a place for you! The views are so beautiful and photograph-worthy! And though at the time, you might feel that it is not justifying the real view( it never will), you will cherish these photos later!