Published By: Orna Ghosh

Essential Oils To The Rescue For Flawless Skin And Why You Need Them

Scars- those unwanted reminders of past injuries, surgeries, or blemishes- can be frustrating. While they tell a story of our resilience, sometimes we yearn for a smoother, more even complexion. Thankfully, there are ways to help scars fade and improve their appearance. Essential oils, nature's concentrated plant extracts, have emerged as a popular option for scar management, offering a natural and potentially effective approach.

But before we delve into essential oils, let's understand the science behind scar formation. Our skin is an incredible organ, constantly repairing itself. When a wound occurs, the body goes into overdrive to heal the damaged tissue. This process involves the formation of collagen fibres, which provide structure and strength to the new skin. However, sometimes collagen production becomes excessive or disorganized, leading to the raised, discoloured appearance of scars.

Essential oils come into play by influencing the scar-healing process in various ways. Some oils might possess anti-inflammatory properties, reducing redness and swelling associated with new scars. Others may promote cell regeneration and collagen production, encouraging smoother scar tissue formation. Additionally, some oils have antiseptic qualities, potentially minimizing the risk of infection, which can worsen scarring.

However, it's important to remember that the research on essential oils for scar management is ongoing. While studies suggest potential benefits, more evidence is needed to confirm their efficacy. Additionally, essential oils are potent and can irritate the skin, especially in their concentrated form.

Here's what you need to know before incorporating essential oils into your scar-fading routine-

Always dilute essential oils before applying them topically. A good rule of thumb is to mix 1-2 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil.

Perform a patch test before widespread application. Apply a diluted amount of the chosen oil on your inner forearm and wait 24 hours. If you experience any redness, itching, or burning, discontinue use.

Consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional before using essential oils, especially if you have sensitive skin, allergies, or pre-existing skin conditions.

Essential oils are not a replacement for conventional scar treatment methods. They may complement other scar-reduction techniques prescribed by your doctor.

Now, let's explore some essential oils that hold promise for scar management-


This versatile oil is renowned for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggest it may improve wound healing and reduce scar formation.


This oil promotes cell regeneration and improves skin elasticity, potentially aiding scar fading.


Nicknamed "Immortelle," this oil is known for its tissue-regenerative properties and its ability to minimize the appearance of scars.

Tea Tree Oil

This oil possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing the risk of infection and promoting healthy healing.

Rosehip Seed Oil

This carrier oil, although not technically an essential oil, is rich in vitamin A and fatty acids, which may help improve skin texture and regenerate damaged tissue.

Here's a simple recipe for a scar-fading essential oil blend you can try at home (always perform a patch test before use)-

Two drops of Lavender essential oil

Two drops of Frankincense essential oil

One teaspoon of carrier oil (jojoba, almond, or coconut)


Mix the essential oils with the carrier oil in a small, dark glass bottle. Apply a few drops of the diluted blend to the affected area twice daily, gently massaging until absorbed in the skin. Be consistent with use for optimal results.

Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on scar management, and embrace your unique skin story.