Published By: Satavisha

Eight Mistakes You Should Avoid When Renovating Your Home On A Budget

Make home renovation a breeze by avoiding these mistakes!

Home renovation is a challenging task. Often, people skip allocating a budget and adhering to it amidst the thrill of transforming their space. Defining clear timelines and drafting all the nitty-gritty details, in the beginning, are essential to planning and managing a successful home renovation. We have mentioned a few mistakes you should avoid starting your home-transformation journey.

Improper Planning or a Lack of Plan

The quickest way to exhaust your funds involves not having a plan. If you think ‘Let’s begin transforming the living area and eventually see where it leads,’ will work out, you are only setting yourself up for failure. Instead, carve out time to draft a plan considering what your remodelled home should look like.

List all the prevailing issues and what each member of your family wants from the renovation. Discuss what goes and what stays, and incorporate everyone’s evolving needs. Next, determine all the expenses and plan a budget, a deadline and contact the professionals.

Not Hiring a Professional Contractor and Designer

People often assume renovations don’t call for expert guidance. While your soaring confidence and courage are commendable, it is not advisable. Pasting new wallpaper and installing new furniture might be simple, but a team of expert designers and a contractor can make your renovation effortless. In addition, hiring professionals who know what they are doing keeps budgets and tempers in check.

Not Complying with the “Measure Twice” Rule

Whether ordering new wallpapers or superior-quality hardwood floorings—always measure the surface or area twice. This tip is especially vital when opting for custom products that are available only in bulk. Take your time to carefully measure twice, and check if you have the accurate digits to avoid losses later.

Not Adhering to Proper Space Planning

When renovating your home, you should begin with space planning because it will help determine the layout of your furniture and room, enabling you to reap maximum benefits from your remodelled space. It can be anything from planning the location and size of your new sofa, or dining table.

Skipping the Estimation of Utility Costs

When your renovation is underway, minor changes can incur major expenses—such as plumbing, electrical, water-proofing, and various civil works. We advise you to seek an expert’s guidance and add all the costs to the budget at the start because no one likes to spend more money than anticipated.

Not Following a Timeline

Time can heal every wound, but sadly, not those gaping cracks in your wall. Schedule a timeline, and stick to it (or, at least try). Delays after the renovation starts can burn a hole in your wallet, particularly if you are staying elsewhere while your sweet abode gets groomed.

Choosing Substandard Materials

When buying new building materials for the renovation, do not sacrifice the quality. Substandard materials may be cheaper and help you slash the overall expenses but you will regret your decision in the long run. Poor-quality architectural elements like window frames and doors, will need to be replaced soon. Always opt for durable and quality materials.

Neglecting the Detection of Structural Problems

Before kick-starting the renovation, survey the entire house to detect structural problems (if any), like mould, water seepages and electrical issues. Older homes typically require more repairs than newer ones. Make adequate provisions for electrical points, following the planned furniture layout. Ensure the wiring can sustain all electrical appliances. Check the water drainage system for broken plumbing pipes that need repair or replacement.

If you follow these tips, you can get the house of your dreams and save both time and money.