Coping with Hybrid Work Made Easy

Streamlining work responsibilities and strategising to stay most productive without losing calm is possible

As hybrid work model is skyrocketing for being a popular alternative incorporates post-pandemic, employees are at loss thinking about the mechanisms of such paradigm shifts and if the changes would coercively function against their wellbeing.



Discipline at Home and Office


Once outside the peripheries of corporate premises, we often tend lose sight of uniform policies and workplace discipline which meddles with output and time. Employees tend to stretch office hours well beyond the stipulated timeframe blurring the boundaries between personal and professional life. It is easy to get carried away since most employees are completely disconnected from teams. Continuously fidgeting over deadlines and overflowing to-do lists, they end up compromising on personal wellbeing, and ends up tampering with work satisfaction and accentuates stress, anxiety and loneliness. Implementing stringent discipline in sync with corporate rules will prevent any spillage of work hours into personal hours or losing sleep over pending tasks.


Tune into the Virtual Community


If your office has a virtual team, connect and collaborate for efficiency and work management. Communication will avert blunders, pangs of loneliness and isolation. It would ward off possible delays or misunderstandings that stem between on-site and remote employees. Virtual communication is no less important than open-communication spaces, and you better not postpone the chat till you visit the physical premises. Formal engagement builds a happy community—one where information is not delayed or wrongly conveyed. Once you assert a strong rapport, you can create a separate group for catching up for a quick chat or conversing on non-work related topics.


Set Office Space


Always a wise decision to avoid hopping on bed amidst scattered pillows and food to get on with office work. Although a snug environment, for most employees, their concentration constantly wavers with the constant shift in work location and as they try to adjust with the two opposite extremes. Office paraphernalia should be arranged in a separate space to set the right headspace—one that is conducive to working without distractions. As domestic life constantly barging into the workspace, it tends to eat into whatever is left of self-time. 


Be Present


Complete disappearance when not working from office sends a negative message to superiors and team members. No matter how hard you are working, smooth communication will vouch for your dedication and commitment. It is only expected from employees that they are available to attend calls, meetings, impromptu work updates and video conferences during work hours.