Published By: Orna Ghosh

Clove: The Secret Weapon for Luscious Hair Growth

Cloves haven't just added a warm, aromatic touch to culinary delights for centuries. This versatile spice also holds a surprising secret- it can be a powerful ally in your quest for healthy, luscious hair growth. While not a miracle cure, cloves offer a natural approach to promoting hair health thanks to their unique composition of nutrients and beneficial properties.

Cloves, the flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree, are packed with essential oils, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to hair health. Eugenol, the primary component of clove oil, is a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants combat free radicals, which damage hair follicles and hinder hair growth. Additionally, cloves contain vitamins like vitamin E, known for its scalp-nourishing properties, and vitamin K, which promotes healthy blood circulation to the scalp, delivering essential nutrients for hair growth.

Are Cloves Benefits for Hair Growth?

Reduced Hair Loss

Clove oil's anti-inflammatory properties can soothe scalp conditions contributing to hair loss, such as dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

Stimulated Hair Growth

The improved blood circulation from vitamin K and the stimulating properties of eugenol may help awaken dormant hair follicles, promoting thicker hair growth.

Strengthened Hair Strands

The antioxidants in cloves can help protect hair from damage caused by environmental factors and styling products, resulting in strengthener, more resilient strands.

Reduced Breakage

Clove oil's antiseptic properties may help keep the scalp healthy, preventing infections that can weaken hair follicles and lead to breakage.

Natural Shine

The conditioning properties of cloves can add a natural shine to your hair, leaving it looking healthy and vibrant.

What are the Ways to Incorporate Cloves into Your Hair Care Routine?

Clove Oil Hair Rinse

Mix 5-7 drops of clove oil with one tablespoon of carrier oil (coconut, almond, or olive) to dilute it.

Add the mixture to a cup of warm water and stir well.

After shampooing your hair, use this mixture as a final rinse. Avoid applying directly to the scalp, as clove oil can be irritating.

Follow with a conditioner to lock in moisture.

Clove-Infused Hair Mask

Combine two tablespoons of plain yoghurt with a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of ground cloves.

Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, focusing on the ends.

Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Clove-Infused Shampoo

Add a few drops of diluted clove oil to your regular shampoo for a stimulating scalp massage.

Be cautious with this method. Excessive use can irritate the scalp.

Important Precautions!

Patch Test

Before applying clove oil directly to your scalp, perform a patch test on your inner arm. Wait 24 hours to check for any allergic reactions.


Clove oil is potent and can irritate the scalp. Always dilute it with a carrier oil before use.

Scalp Sensitivity

Avoid using clove oil directly if you have a sensitive scalp. Consult a dermatologist before using cloves for hair growth remedies.

While cloves are a promising natural remedy for promoting hair growth, it's crucial to maintain realistic expectations. Clove oil won't magically produce overnight results. However, consistent use with a healthy diet and good hair care practices creates a noticeable difference. Remember, healthy hair starts from within, so ensure you're nourishing your body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Embrace cloves as a natural addition to your hair care routine and discover their potential to promote healthy, luscious hair growth.