A voyage to the remote nation of the world: A look at one such voyage in four books of “The Gulliver’s Travels”

‘A wise man should have money in his head but not in his heart’ - Jonathan Swift

You must be wondering why we have started with this quote? Because this story is about a man’s craving to follow the passion of exploring new lands through traveling. Jonathan Swift, the author has used first person narrative to describe the life and the point of view of Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon and sea captain who has visited some unexplored lands of the world. His experience has been recorded in the four books which will be today’s topic of discussion. So, why waste time? Let’s get started –

The Land of the Lilliput 

In the first story, Gulliver was the only survivor of the shipwreck and eventually he arrived in the land of the Lilliputians where the inhabitants are less than six inches. Firstly he was tied up with a rope, later he was set to be free and was taken to their capital. There he has observed some ridiculous customs of the Lilliput. As the time went on, trouble came up on them in the form of Blefuscu. Gulliver helped the Lilliput by capturing Blefuscu’s naval fleet but finally he lost the favor of the Lilliputians and fled to Blefuscu where he found a ship to go back to England.

Gulliver in Brobdingnag

Gulliver’s second voyage brought him to the land of the human giants which were called the Brobdingnag. He was discovered by a farmer, who later begins to exhibit Gulliver for money. There he was taken care of by the daughter of that farmer. Later, the queen of that state ordered the farmer to bring him to court and there Gulliver became famous because of his knowledge, wisdom and experience. Eventually, he was picked up by an eagle and then rescued by the people of his own size.

Gulliver, in the land of Laputa

In the third voyage his ship was under the attack of the pirates and he ended up arriving in the land of Laputa. There he observed the people, greatly concerned with Mathematics but they don’t know how to apply their knowledge in practical life.

Lastly, the Kingdom of the Houyhnhnms

Finally he went to the land of Houyhnhnms, a race of rational and benevolent horses who are far better than the human race called Yahoos. From Gulliver, they have learnt about England and concluded that he must leave their island. Finally, he came back to England.

However, it is not just a story of four different lands, rather much more than this. What the readers will find out, that’ll be based on their intelligence and wisdom. So, we would like to leave the conclusion to the readers.